Ukaps & The Festival Of Fishkeeping Pictures (sunday)

john starkey

Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
worcester uk
Hi all, here are some pics i took today at the festival of fishkeeping, it was great to finally meet George Farmer and Graham Edwards, i must say sorry to the other guy who was there i have foregotten his name (old age ) :lol: enjoy the pics regards john.






























Whoever comes up with the best caption (in my opinion) to the three numbered Photos i will donate to each winner one bottle of seachem flourish plant food, have fun regards john CLOSING DATE SUNDAY 21ST OCT (MIDNIGHT) UK RESIDENTS ONLY SORRY
some good pics there

I will be attending this next year if it is on
We so need a caption competition for some of those :)

Nice tank though - really good layout!
Hi John, thanks for uploading the pictures. i was wondering what they were going to do with that corner tank. did you get any of that once they'd finished it by any chance?
Hi John, thanks for uploading the pictures. i was wondering what they were going to do with that corner tank. did you get any of that once they'd finished it by any chance?

Hi Jimboo, i am sorry to say that it was too cloudy to get anything resembling a planted tank, but basically it was a rock scape with the plants you see in the pics added. regards john ps: my Heteranthera Zosterifolia is growing really well but the tips of the leaves turn black and crickly any ideas why this is , thanks :)
A bit rude but here goes
3) Hurry up and take the damn picture

5) ...So then I slapped her ass...

14) Seriously girls, it's thiiiiis biiiig... Around...

:lol: It's all a bit of fun eh?
Pic 12. was no use he was stuck good, he'd warned him the filter was powerful, so he decided that the best thing to do was to put him out of his misery......
Most of the first batch of pics

'When they said there was a free uniform, they didn't mention the matching blue jeans and brown shoes'

I dunno guys you know how much I like individuality. lol

(says the man sat at his PC jeans and................brown shoes.......Oops)

I must say nice gear lads. Very stylish.

Pic 12. was no use he was stuck good, he'd warned him the filter was powerful, so he decided that the best thing to do was to put him out of his misery......

Hi Sharpshark, its only the numbered pics in the contest not all of them, try again my friend regards john
:lol: Funny people.

It was a great weekend. Some people got very excited at what we were promoting. Some even thought we were trying to sell a product.

Its Down to Dan, the mini person ( we joke about his hight lol ) that we looked so pro! He designed the stand and had it printed. He also made the Tshirts.It was models own choice for trousers and shoes, I guess even in cloths, we all have the same tastes.
Both me and George, were abit nervous about doing the public display, but we pulled it off with great gusto lol.

The first tank ( on Saturday ) was by far a real success. The public really loved it. It was a sod to scape.
Ever tried scaping in a tank of milk? Well thats what I had to do.The white sand hadn't been washed, so yes it was milk. We also used all of the best plants in the first tank, that were kindly donated by plants alive.We swiped ,errm, ill rephrase that, borrowed some really nice blue guppy's, yes i know guppy's are abit pap, but they really worked in this scape.
It was funny, Saturday night, me George and Dan had,had rather a few beers after the success of the day.After eating some top grub in the bus mans style bar/lounge, we headed off back into the marque. We tweak the tank, grabbed some chairs and just gazed at the wondrous Ukaps scape. How sad are we?? 3 Lads at 11:30PM on a Saturday night, sitting in front of a tank, with a beer, watching it as if it was a blue movie lol, geeks, thats what we are.

Sundays demonstration, was more informative that the Saturdays, but the scape was very disappointing in my opinion. We had used all the best plants and wood in the first tank. Some people really liked it, but for me it was a disappointment. I set my standards to high at times.

All in all it was a wicked weekend. We blew them all away with our enthusiasm and professionalism.

And i think you agree, not bad for a society thats only been up and running for a little over 4 months. Lets hope that we can ( with your support ) keep this astonishing pace of improvement up, and keep knocking the socks off this age old hobby.

And i think you agree, not bad for a society thats only been up and running for a little over 4 months.

Yes, not bad at all. The society has really become successful and the stand looks really proffessional, (more so than some of the more established societies). I think it was one of the high-lights of the event. Well done to all the founders and people who helped getting UKAPS off the ground. Well done UKAPS!
Pic 12. was no use he was stuck good, he'd warned him the filter was powerful, so he decided that the best thing to do was to put him out of his misery......

Hi Sharpshark, its only the numbered pics in the contest not all of them, try again my friend regards john

Doh! That'll learn me for not readin' the entire post!!! Cheers for the heads up John

Anyway guys well done for the weekend, I did see you down there and thought it looked the business, I liked the background for the tanks which i believe was printed specially by Dan for this?! Looked really nice and I would buy it if it was available.
my Heteranthera Zosterifolia is growing really well but the tips of the leaves turn black and crickly any ideas why this is , thanks :)

pm'd ya

We swiped ,errm, ill rephrase that, borrowed some really nice blue guppy's, yes i know guppy's are abit pap, but they really worked in this scape.

It was funny, Saturday night, me George and Dan had,had rather a few beers after the success of the day.After eating some top grub in the bus mans style bar/lounge, we headed off back into the marque. We tweak the tank, grabbed some chairs and just gazed at the wondrous Ukaps scape. How sad are we?? 3 Lads at 11:30PM on a Saturday night, sitting in front of a tank, with a beer, watching it as if it was a blue movie lol, geeks, thats what we are.

i guessed as much, i saw those in the small display tank in front the stand. lol and do i recognise the 2 nano tank fish as celebes rainbows from opposite the cafe lol. i must admit hearing about your saturday night i wish i'd stayed. i was uploading the pictures at that time, so i'm also guilty of geek like qualities but yours sounds so much more fun.

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