Uk Native Fish


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2010
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Cambridgeshire, UK
Just wondering how you would keep UK native Freshwater (and Saltwater) fish. I assume you would have to use cooler on the tank so the temperature does not get too hot? This is just a querie, I don't plan on keeping any (yet atleast, maybe when I'm older).

Anyone know anything or does anyone keep them themselves?

I've kept Stickle Backs before, I kept them in a UK freshwater biotope, it was set up in a 30 Gallon tank with UK native aquatic plants, I caught the Stickle Backs with a net whilst fishing in a nearby stream, they get to about 4 inches, don't require heating and are quite enjoyable to keep. (What I did was probably illegal however, taking them from the wild)

Other than that there are a few UK native Blenny species which you could keep in a salt water set up, there are also beadlet anemones.
Its dificult, there are a few fresh water species that people keep quite successfully, but you need a well oxygenated clean water system and keeping water at a low temp, most stuff grows to large for most indoor tanks,,,You pose a problem aswell, being against the law to release fish into waterways, even if you caught them there a few years before,, you really have to put some reasearch into it...
Gudgeon are sometimes stocked at fish shops usally garden centre ones, my old lfs stocks sticklebacks.....Also theres minnow, bullhead/millers thumb,Sticklebacks are territorial and can be very aggressive, especially between males when mating.

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