It amazes me how different even Canada and the US are, I've never heard of half the stuff you were talking about Jaiden.
Tucan, we have a chocolate covered marshmallow cooking here called Mallomars.
<a href="http/" target="_blank">http/</a>
And then are the ever popular Peeps as Easter and other holidays. Disgusting if you ask me.
<a href="http/" target="_blank">http/</a>
Hershy's produces most of our popular candy bars, and then there's Mars and Peter Paul.
Hershy bar, Hershy bar with almonds, Butterfinger, Mounds (dark chocolate w/coconut, yum), Almond Joy, Twix, Rolo, Snickers, M&M's, all that good stuff.
Out of curiosity, do you guys get SPAM in the UK or Canada? My mom loves it, but I'd sooner throw up than even smell the stuff.
It's so popular in the US that it has it's own websites, and even cooking contests.
<a href="http/" target="_blank">http/</a>
We get SPAM here in Canada. It's not very popular, though
I just sent a package of about 20 chocolate bars to my brother in law in San Diego. There are a LOT of chocolate bars Canada has that the US doesn't. Same with chip (or crisp) flavors.
dthoffsett, have you ever watched a show called "Just For Laughs: Gags"? They've recently started showing it in the US. It's filmed in Quebec, kind of like a Candid Camera show. When they do skits in corner stores, they actually blur out the items in the store (chips, chocolate bars, etc). It's like they're hiding all our Canadian goodies from Americans
If you want to try some Canadian chocolate bars (they ALL taste better than US, trust me
) I'd be happy to send you a few! It'd be cheap to send to you because I could make the 5 min drive into Michigan and ship them from international shipping charges
Another US thing - LAYS Crisps. So much better then uk crisps.
Went thru loads of packets of the stuff when i was on holiday in India (its the only crisps hat most places sel there)
Lays are very good crisps
In Canada, we pretty much have Lays and Humpty Dumpty...then the "no name" brands