ok my sajica+con hybrid and jade eye had lots and lots of fry, 3 seperate broods.
first brood i sold and i kept the 3 biggest, so i could see how they turned out.
vel now they are about 4" long. and two went into breeding colours. one didnt.
the fish are such a strange combo, normaly they are light coloured and striped with yellow underbellys and blue cheeks. the paired ones are more colourful counterparts of the parents....
male is large starting to get a lumped head. mostly greyeyblue with black edges to his red and yellow speckled fins. the female is similar only stripey and has yellow fins with a blue dot in the middle.
im describing because i have no pictures... anyway theyve laid eggs and guarded them, now they are in a pit and will hatch soon. what do i do ? what should i expect ?
first brood i sold and i kept the 3 biggest, so i could see how they turned out.
vel now they are about 4" long. and two went into breeding colours. one didnt.
the fish are such a strange combo, normaly they are light coloured and striped with yellow underbellys and blue cheeks. the paired ones are more colourful counterparts of the parents....
male is large starting to get a lumped head. mostly greyeyblue with black edges to his red and yellow speckled fins. the female is similar only stripey and has yellow fins with a blue dot in the middle.
im describing because i have no pictures... anyway theyve laid eggs and guarded them, now they are in a pit and will hatch soon. what do i do ? what should i expect ?