Ugh! I Think I Saw A Worm!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 4, 2006
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one of my 'baby' guppies has had babies, and i was watching another of the (older) babies and basically it pooped and then a lil white bit started wriggling back towards the poo... it was absolutely tiny but i'm quite sure it was a worm! what's the best stuff to treat this in a guppy only tank, with babies from 1 day old to adults? and should i treat my other tanks? any help appreciated :)

all the fish seem in perfect health and eating well but i want to sort this before it gets out of hand :)
Do you mean from the poo itself or was in the aquarium and moved towards it?

If the latter, it may be planaria. Not a big deal at all and harmless. Feeding a bit less and gravel vac/wc will get rid of them.
not sure i just caught it wiggling, not gravel vac-ing at moment because of new fry, considering taking the gravel out and having it bare bottomed now tho :S
not sure i just caught it wiggling, not gravel vac-ing at moment because of new fry, considering taking the gravel out and having it bare bottomed now tho :S

Good idea, barebottom tanks might be easier with fry. You'll probably want to vac at least once a day. :)
If it's what I thought it was I wouldn't add any meds or worry about it. You can't really feed less I guess with fry but feed the adults less and gravel vacs will take care of the problem.

If that's not what it is post back and we'll try again. :)

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