I've been browsing fish books and online fish sources for about a month now, and I simply can't decide on what to put into my 55gal planted aquarium. It currently
houses five otos and one SAE for algae control, and one yoyo loach for snail control. (I read on one site that these guys like company, should I get a couple more of them?)
I was thinking maybe some dwarf gouramis (I'm not clear though if I can get like 10 of one kind and just have that stock the tank, or if I should stick to just a couple of one kind due to aggression, I know you aren't spusta mix types), or even just a couple schools of tetras. Then I was also liking the idea of maybe a few angles...Or pairs of something I could separate into another tank and breed (after breeding corys and yellow labs I'd like to try something harder, since they practically do it on their own)
So...any ideas?
houses five otos and one SAE for algae control, and one yoyo loach for snail control. (I read on one site that these guys like company, should I get a couple more of them?)
I was thinking maybe some dwarf gouramis (I'm not clear though if I can get like 10 of one kind and just have that stock the tank, or if I should stick to just a couple of one kind due to aggression, I know you aren't spusta mix types), or even just a couple schools of tetras. Then I was also liking the idea of maybe a few angles...Or pairs of something I could separate into another tank and breed (after breeding corys and yellow labs I'd like to try something harder, since they practically do it on their own)
So...any ideas?