Type of Copepod?


New Member
May 22, 2020
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Cornville, AZ
Attached are a few pictures showing what I am thinking are Copepod's but it would be nice to hear some opinions confirming or correctly identifying them. They have spread across the tank mainly on the darker algae growth and my foam filter media.
The first picture is a snapshot (top view) of one walking across my desktop (wooden) after he walked off a leaf I took from the tank.
The second picture is a snapshot (bottom view) of one walking on the inside surface of the tank. Took the picture through the acrylic.
The last picture is a snapshot of a rock in my tank showing a large number of them visible to the naked eye and you can get a sense of how they have propagated in the tank.

Sorry for the quality of the pictures as these guys are small and I was using a very inexpensive cell phone microscope adapter to capture the images. The video's are certainly more interesting however I am not able to post.

There are certainly a large variety of other small microscopic creatures in the tank making up what appears to be a healthy biofilm for the otto's and such, however they are not close to being as visible to the naked eye as this white spot variety. Are they Copepod's and can I assume this is healthy and safe for the fish ?
What kind of fish do you have in there ?
If its Copepods i believe all fish will eat them.
Or you have them in your cycling tank ?
I have the following fish in the tank; 4 Black Skirt Tetras, 9 CPD's (Celestial Pearl Danio's) , 5 Venezuelan Pygmy Cory (Corydoras habrosus), 7 Otocinclus, 9 Lambchop Rasbora (Trigonostigma espei)

The Tank was setup Feb 28th and the copepods starting flourishing in the middle of June.

Its not obvious the fish are eating them as there are so many.

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