Maybe if I get time at work today I can look through live aquaria's site and find some things we really want! I am almost certain we are going with five chromis either blue reef or green. The green shine so brilliantly its sexy!
Also Jeremy is super excited for a pair of cardinal fish. They are beautiful fish, although not super fast swimmers they would bring a shimmer to the tank.
My dream is to have two pink skunk clowns / OR a type of Clarki clowns with a green haddons carpet in the bottom right of the tank. I love the carpets and really want something neat for my clowns to host (long ways out on coral, I know, but believe me I am plenty patient).
We want to have something to move about the tank a bit, so a wrasse of some kind would be cool. There are some neat colors of wrasse and since we have a six line in the 29 we want something bigger and with different colors.
Not opposed to an anthias or two, they are beautiful and big. =)
Id like to read more about it, but possibly I could have a black cap jawfish, but says they could be a threat to small shrimp. BLAH I don't want dead shrimp, but I have the substrate for this guy. The other route would be a goby/pistol pair, I never get bored watching these guys. Who knows.
Also looking at mandarins if I am able to keep a good pod population. I love the red type the most. (2) Maybe haha
With lighting there will be several additions to the tank including a maxima clam to take center stage in the sand bed. Some stylophora, maybe a hammer coral or frogspawn may be fun, but I'd love to have some acros, and acans. Lissette has got me hooked on scholemia and acans, they are gorgeous.
I'd like to set a couple goals with this tank:
1: Keep it clean and alive. Don't let the salinity fluxuate more than + or - .002
2: Two week quarantine all incoming livestock except CUC to keep ich from devastating my tank.
3: Dip all corals to help keep pest anems at bay.
4: Work VERY VERY slowly to allow time for this tank to mature on its own.
Will add more to this list as we go. What do you think of the fish list?