Tyler's 90Gallon Reef Project

Hold on I'll find another light fixture stay on, how long's your tank????
There is this:

I heard good things about this might need to change the bulbs for better though

There is also 48", 72"
After several trips to the LFS store 30+ gallons at a time we got all the water here that we need and mixed it with salt! The LFS store gave us a break and charged $.10 LESS per gallon and sold me some cheap salt and my green emerald for the 29gal.

Here is what it currently looks like. There is no water in the sump. I have 26 gallons in a bucket to the left of the tank, that should fill that up. I left extra room for rocks, and have an additional 25 gallons of water in containers.


These lights came with his setup, there are two 54Watt 15,000K bulbs.

Notwithstanding the bad glare, the color temp doesn't look that bad to me.

What's the Kelvin in the other bulbs. This may work nicely for softies until you save enough to buy the Halides.

The tank is cycling! Here is a video and a picture with the LED moonlights. Obviously the tank is very cloudy. Will post more pics as we go along.


Geez, Tyler, that sump looks like something even I, as a complete and utter DIY moron, can do. Woooooo! With boyfriend's help, of course!

It looks wonderful. Maybe too much rock?

I really like the way the rock lays at the moment. I want a lot of rock, we need a lot of filtration, you don't like the setup? Here is a more clear shot.


I really like the way the rock lays at the moment. I want a lot of rock, we need a lot of filtration, you don't like the setup? Here is a more clear shot.



It's not that I don't like it, I like it a lot. I just see some spots where the rock touches the glass. That'll be a PITA to clean in a couple of months.

Hmmm, I'm almost wondering that when you get your power heads, put one perhaps near the substrate level. That should stir up the accumulated muck that'll build there.

Tbh, I think a dracula goby is gonna get lost in there...

I really like the way the rock lays at the moment. I want a lot of rock, we need a lot of filtration, you don't like the setup? Here is a more clear shot.



It's not that I don't like it, I like it a lot. I just see some spots where the rock touches the glass. That'll be a PITA to clean in a couple of months.

Hmmm, I'm almost wondering that when you get your power heads, put one perhaps near the substrate level. That should stir up the accumulated muck that'll build there.

Tbh, I think a dracula goby is gonna get lost in there...


Yup, I already scratched im off my list. Mainly cuz hes tiny and quite expensive. Ill have two powerheads. The flow from the pump below PUMPS WATER LIKE CRAZY. It is a lot of water flow. You saw how fast that was flowing through the sump.

There can never be enough flow. Play it by ear and see where you find dead spots.

Haha, lots of fish are gonna get lost in there. There are some wonderful shrimp gobies that are more chunky monkey for your tank.

Cryptocentrus pavoninoides - 6"
Valenciennea puellaris - 6"
Cryptocentrus leptocephalus - 4"

These are just a few to look at. Pair them with a chunky monkey tiger pistol shrimp. You may even have room for two goby/pistol pairs. IMO, the tank is large enough that they can establish their territory. Or get a mated pair of gobies with their faithful live in pistol shrimp.
There can never be enough flow. Play it by ear and see where you find dead spots.

Haha, lots of fish are gonna get lost in there. There are some wonderful shrimp gobies that are more chunky monkey for your tank.

Cryptocentrus pavoninoides - 6"
Valenciennea puellaris - 6"
Cryptocentrus leptocephalus - 4"

These are just a few to look at. Pair them with a chunky monkey tiger pistol shrimp. You may even have room for two goby/pistol pairs. IMO, the tank is large enough that they can establish their territory. Or get a mated pair of gobies with their faithful live in pistol shrimp.

Definitely. The stocking list is still VERY much in the air and open to any suggestions. We need fun, pretty, and not the most expensive of everything for fish as the tank is young now, but we don't want fish we didn't want in the end result of the tank either. I will see what I can do about getting those couple rocks away from the glass. It is VERY deceiving what you see from the front and then view from the side lol. SO different.

The tank smells... EW Die off on the rock I suppose from cooler temps or something.

Here we go.. So it is the ultimate decision that we will be waiting 3+ months before any coral or infauna eaters of any kind will enter the tank to allow the sand bed infauna to reach maximum potential before being eradicated by inverts and corals. Infauna is created by the bacteria in the sand and gets demolished from Deep Sand Beds early on if not given time to mature here is an article about it to help clarify.


In the mean time, I have diatoms as you can see in the pictures below.




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