Two Swordtail Pregnancies

Yup. It's heavily planted. Floating and planted. And I plan on trying to catch her before she has them so I can put them in the box. But I do work full time so I might miss it. But if I do I have made sure there's lots of places for the fry to hide.
Another tip is keep the parents well fed they will be less likely to eat the babies. Mine almost wouldnt touch the fry.
And I do think I will be them in there soon. There's a naughty male swordtail who likes to chase the two pregnant females around for some reason. He's pretty young. Don't know if that matters.
Will do! Keep those ladies FED. :)
I'll second the well fed thing. Well fed fish don't see their tank mates as food :)
I think I'm going to wait a couple more days Actually. It's looking a little cloudy so I think it's in bloom. I added some food to the empty tank to really get that bacteria growing. And have been adding stability every day. I think s couple more days will be perfect :)

I'll make sure they're well fed

Any of you that have kept swordtails have any problems with them being picky eaters? Mine are so picky. They only really like flake food and the daphina in my frozen food.
I've not kept swordtails, I've kept platies which are a close relative. My platies ate pretty much anything but any fish can be picky. My lot won't eat Daphnia at all and they started out eating New Era flake and then decided they wouldn't eat that anymore!
I wouldn't worry too much. So long as the food they are eating is good quality it shouldn't matter :)
Yeah I changed their flake food to a higher quality and one that has a Probiotic in it. Since my opaline gourami died of dropsy, my lfs had told me that it normally happens because of a lack of something in their diet. So she recommended starting them on a flake food with a Probiotic. They have all been super regular now lol :)
Mine would eat anything and everything but some where picky at times. Idk what makes one fish eat everything and another only eat some stuff. If I had to guess I'd say it has a lot to do with what the breeder raises them eating I've noticed if you really keep the fries diet mixed and raise them on different food they will be more accepting of whatever you choose to feed.
Don't forget Swordtails will jump so keep a cover glass on any tank you have them in.
RRaquariums said:
 If I had to guess I'd say it has a lot to do with what the breeder raises them eating 
I've often wondered if this is the reason too. It does seem odd that they will accept some food and not others 
Well I'll be sure to raise these babies right :) I don't like that they're picky I want them to have a super good diet.

And yes both my tanks have hoods. :)
Have a quick question about one of my other swordtail . She just hangs out at the surface. She doesn't really eat as far as I have seen. She looks really Small and she never puts her top fin up. is there something wrong?


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I'd say yes something is wrong with her when a fish hangs out at the top all the time and won't eat it's usually a sign it's not doing well for one reason or another.
Just don't know what it could be. I thought she was just a runt and was super shy.
Hard to say is she getting picked on at all?

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