Yup. Idk how you intend to do it but a suggestion that you might find useful is something I learned the hard way.
If you use breeder boxes it's ok but don't stick the mother in there it will stress her out and I made this mistake and it killed her because she didn't have the baby's right because of the stress.
So here's what you do when she looks very very close like you think it will be in the next few hours turn off the lights and let her have the babies this will give them the best chance of not getting eaten. Then once your pretty sure she is done turn back on the lights and catch the fry in a small net and place them in the breeder boxes.
Another tip get a clamp or a file folder clamp and make sure the breeder box is secured to the side if it's free floating it has a nasty tendency to get tipped over or float under the filter outflow and get dumped into the tank then all the fry become snacks.
Also keep some type of top on the breeder boxes I've had fish jump in there to eat the fry.
Sorry for all the talk but yeah there's a few things that are just better to be learned ahead of time
If you use breeder boxes it's ok but don't stick the mother in there it will stress her out and I made this mistake and it killed her because she didn't have the baby's right because of the stress.
So here's what you do when she looks very very close like you think it will be in the next few hours turn off the lights and let her have the babies this will give them the best chance of not getting eaten. Then once your pretty sure she is done turn back on the lights and catch the fry in a small net and place them in the breeder boxes.
Another tip get a clamp or a file folder clamp and make sure the breeder box is secured to the side if it's free floating it has a nasty tendency to get tipped over or float under the filter outflow and get dumped into the tank then all the fry become snacks.
Also keep some type of top on the breeder boxes I've had fish jump in there to eat the fry.
Sorry for all the talk but yeah there's a few things that are just better to be learned ahead of time