Two Questions


Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Boston, MA
First of all, is ther anything you add (like a chemical) to the water in order to get the ammonia and nitrite down during the cycle as well as changing the water. Second question is, does it matter what the nitrate is of the tank if you dont have real plants, if it does what is the ideal amount.
The answer to your first question is yes and no. You can add ammo-lock to your tank but then you will be starving the nitrfying bacteria and you won't cycle. Best thing to do is partial water changes if you're cycling with fish. Nitrates should be kept to less than 20ppm.
I dont know if aquarium salts would help you, only add a few I used them to lower my nitrites
Just make sure beforehand that your fish can tolerate salt. Some can't. I don't know about it lowering nitrites but I believe it may relieve some of the stress on the fish.
Seachem has a product out called Stability that is a great help for cycling your tank. As for Nitrates you will want to keep them less than 40 IMO.
It would also be worth checking the water you use for changes (tap?) mine in london can be anything upto 60ppm out the tap :/ - as a rule the lower the better...

Also feed sparingly...

Yeah, 40ppm is okay too. The reason I like to keep them less than 20ppm is just to give me a little extra cushion in case something keeps me from doing my weekly pwc's for a few days.

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