Trusted Sellers?

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Why not make it in the BSS section, a term and condition that if you want to sell through the site then you are agreeing to have your service as a seller/buyer reviewed by the opposite party. That way you can't complain if bad things are said about you.

Darkstar, it wouldn't be too hard to tell if these photos had been edited.

The main thing is here, is there are a lot of good sellers, and they need to be recognised for it.
It need not be some hi-tech forum plug-in. This isn't a huge sales department, all it needs is a manual list. Why overcomplicate things?
are you going to code this forum plug-in then?

Why are u SO against it? You seem almost angry that I even dare suggest such a thing

You can suggest what you like, I have no issue with that (even if this exact topic was brought up quite recently and refused)

I'm against it mainly because while some of you think it's really simple and easy, I can tell you from experience that it's not. So unless you intend to code a forum plug-in which does exactly what you want, I think the only thing you're doing is causing a lot more hassle for the mods.
Having said that, I'm not against the idea in itself so if you can come up with a system which creates little or no more work for the mods and is fool proof (so cannot be abused) then you'll have my full backing and I'll happily write cheery little posts in this forum calling for it's implementation.
are you going to code this forum plug-in then?

Why are u SO against it? You seem almost angry that I even dare suggest such a thing

You can suggest what you like, I have no issue with that (even if this exact topic was brought up quite recently and refused)

I'm against it mainly because while some of you think it's really simple and easy, I can tell you from experience that it's not. So unless you intend to code a forum plug-in which does exactly what you want, I think the only thing you're doing is causing a lot more hassle for the mods.
Having said that, I'm not against the idea in itself so if you can come up with a system which creates little or no more work for the mods and is fool proof (so cannot be abused) then you'll have my full backing and I'll happily write cheery little posts in this forum calling for it's implementation.

:blink: sorry to have rattled your cage me love, I will get my fluffy winter coat and be on my way
sorry to have rattled your cage me love, I will get my fluffy winter coat and be on my way

I don't have cage and if that's what you want to do then so be it.
just curious 2 y it is always down 2 lible issues with this site but many and i mean many others do it with no problems ? and have a like point scoring system for individual members

You can say that, as it is not you taking the risk. If anything were to happen then it would be William taking the blame not us.
sorry to have rattled your cage me love, I will get my fluffy winter coat and be on my way

I don't have cage and if that's what you want to do then so be it.

Severe loss of humour alert, please don't reply, we'll be here all night
The biggest problem with having a pinned thread that includes untrusted sellers is that as soon as someone posts that MemberA isn't trustwothy, then MemberA is going to be in the thread defending themselves and the whole thing will be exactly like a bad BSS thread, a big argument. It would end up having to be closed which pretty much defeats it's purpose as a pinned topic.
TFF does not, in any way, benefit from from items sold in the BS&S section. It is there strictly as a convenience for our members who might have raised a few extra fish or who might have equipment they no longer use and wish to be rid of. Unless someone has received special permission from us, no dealers or retailers are allowed to advertise their merchandise there.

It's expected that members who buy items listed in BS&S will set up a dialog with the seller and use their own judgment about the seller's honesty and good intentions. While you buy at your own risk, we would appreciate being notified by PM of any problems that cannot be worked out between you.

Since this thread appears to be finished, I will close it.
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