but if there is a complaint which warrants it then you are removed no questions asked and back at square one?
now define how you would consider something as warranted between two people on the web that you've never met....and who could well be lying to you?
As in something both sides agree on.
Seller A - I didn't manage to get the shipment out in the post today sorry.
Buyer A - I ordered that product in the knowladge that you would send it out today.
Seller B - Magically disappears off forum
Buyer B - Dude I've just give you $247 where's my tank?
Aside from that, you've gone on about something else.
I was saying, if a seller is late with one shipment then that wouldn't warrant him being removed as a trusted seller.
If a seller is shipping things that look nothing like the description and is regularly late with shipments then he would no longer be a trusted seller.
To prove such things we have modern technology such as recorded delivery and common sense.
In response to 'Darkstar' - I believe eBay is one of many.
Somehow I don't think fishforums.net have the same kind of budget to produce a system like ebays, so ebay is kind of irrelevant...although it is worthwhile noting that even with their cash flow they still can't produce a system that everyone is happy with.
Seller, ships on time, correct product, one brownie point. Not hard, appoint a few people to oversee the forum to check everything is spick an spam.
Anything else?