Troublesome Tetra!

Trigonostigma espei (lambchop rasboras) are awesome - and smaller than harlequins - which means you can keep more.
Emperor tetras are amazing looking and for their size really offer impact! 
Celestial pearl danios would also be worth having a look at...
eaglesaquarium said:
Trigonostigma espei (lambchop rasboras) are awesome - and smaller than harlequins - which means you can keep more.
Emperor tetras are amazing looking and for their size really offer impact! 
Celestial pearl danios would also be worth having a look at...
i agree with this
The LFS has flame tetras on sale at the moment. Would they work in a shoal of 7 in my tank?
Seriouslyfish says that they require 42L for a small group.  45cm x 30cm x 30cm they claim is the minimum.
Only grow to about a ~1.6 inches  or ~40mm.
Had a look on YouTube and google and have seen nothing but excellence and ... Well, more excellence!
I'll be sure to keep y'all notified as to when I purchase my li'l tetras! :)
Purchase has been made! They are in excellent condition and are about 3 cm each. I'll snap some pics tomorrow when they've Settled in. The attendant couldn't count for crap so I have 10 instead of 7! :hooray:
That's not a small mistake...
My neon tetras ( who are normally quite laid back and lazy ) are being swarmed by the flames. The flames are swimming laps and the neon tetras are kind of just being run over by the school of flames. The neons have now decided to just go with it and are accompanying the flames on there laps! :)
A quick update: ( yes, it has only been three hours since my last update )
At 3:00pm The neons I think were feeling rather threatened by the bigger, more plentiful flames. The flames were trying to make friends with the neons and were still trying to school with the neons.

Now ( 5:18pm ) : the flames are still lapping the tank in their school. Occasionally one flame will fall out of the school and wait for the school to pick him back up. The neons are occasionally trying to school with the flames but are mostly in a tight ball in the middle of the tank. I don't think they're scared of the flames as such but rather are tired of being shoved by the flames incessant lapping. :)

Quick question: my flames are not red/ orange but white. They were like this at the store as well. Will they color up as they grow or....?
Here is something I hadn't foreseen,
Some of my new flames are very bulky. Is it possible they are egg heavy? I have read they are easy tetras to breed, is it likely I bought them pregnant? Are the fry difficult to rear?

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