Tropical Or Not?

Some of you lot dont know what cold is! :p we do in the UK :) :)
56f at 2.30 in the afternoon - warmest part of the day! - was taken at the bottom end of the Pennines with just over frost level overnight.
Where are you Liz?

About a week and a half ago, it was 0F here, and yesterday it was in the 40s. Everyone is walking about talking about how warm it is. :D When summer finally hits, it's going to kill half the city.
Geez, you people have cold houses! Our's is kept at around 77 :fun:
Lets see - here it is 56F outside at 2.30 pm.
To heat the house to 70F costs about half what it would cost to take it to 77f..... you can always put on a fire to warm up a specific area but tropical tanks need keeping at tropical temperature - that requires heater stats unless you have the room thermostatically controlled at suitable temperatures. Many central heating systems switch off overnight and a heater is needed to keep the temperature stable. If you can't keep neons without a heater then Bettas need one.
For small tanks/bowls the requirment is more critcal as these will change temperature much more quickly than than a larger container. If you can't or won't house a fish properly you shouldn't buy them.

You don't know Synirr, do you? Synirr is one of the most knowledgeable on this forum. Synnir has had many successful spawns and keeps a lot of bettas. He/she (sorry, I'm not sure. ;) ) knows what he/she is talking about.

I keep 9 bettas right now. 5 females in a 10 gallon, and 4 males in tanks ranging from 2-3 gallons. The only heater I have is in the 10 gallon. My room does have some drastic temperature fluctuations sometimes. It has dipped to 72 at night, and has gotten to 80 during the day. The water temp, however, has never fluctuated more than 3-4 degrees, and all my bettas are perfectly happy and healthy.
I live in Western Virginia in the USA, right -before- the mountains.... unfortunately, we get weather that is quite un-predictable. ^.^ A few weeks ago it was 77 F outside, then dropped down to 32 F that night, then we had a wintery mixture that morning, which promptly thaws when it hit the 60's F only to re-freeze into ice that night when it got down in the 20's F. My room is the second coldest in the house... I've literally woken up mornings shivering since the house is mainly heated by the wood stove, which does not distrubute heat evenly. :lol: So, anyways, both my 10 gallon and my 30 gallon have heaters... the 30 gallon definately needs one as it is right in front of my window, and the 10 gallon has my 3 1/2 year old male, who I want to pamper. :look:
My tanks without heaters stay around 72°. I haven't had any negative results from the cooler temperatures so far--the males still make bubble nests and are active swimmers. :fish:
I live in the upper peninsula of Michigan... live here, you'll know cold. Our summers usually only get to 65 degrees, winters to -25, heat wave of this year nonwithstanding.

My bettas have been living happily in unheated tanks for a year, one of them for two years. Our general house temperature is somewhere in the high sixties.
Roflol flautist, you make me sound like the all-knowing goddess of bettas :lol:
I'm female, for the record ;)
Roflol flautist, you make me sound like the all-knowing goddess of bettas :lol:
I'm female, for the record ;)

wait, you mean you're not? ;)

People who jump to conclusions and make rude comments without knowing who they're talking to tend to make me mad. :p

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