don't be a twit
bettas like temps between 24 C and 28 C.
a tank with no heater is the same temperature as the surrounding air.
there is little point in cycling any tank smaller than 5 gallons.
male bettas are best kept by themselves or with bottom dwelling fish.
if your betta has long fins, then it is definitely a male.
if your betta has short fins, then it is either a female or a "plakat" male.
females can be kept in groups IF at least 5 females are present and each female can claim 2g of territory. (odd number groups generally do better because bettas prefer dueling over brawling.)
a tank with no heater is the same temperature as the surrounding air.
there is little point in cycling any tank smaller than 5 gallons.
male bettas are best kept by themselves or with bottom dwelling fish.
if your betta has long fins, then it is definitely a male.
if your betta has short fins, then it is either a female or a "plakat" male.
females can be kept in groups IF at least 5 females are present and each female can claim 2g of territory. (odd number groups generally do better because bettas prefer dueling over brawling.)