Tropical Crabs

Ok..... :) . Where are you located, different country's have different crabs commonly available, no chance at all of a pic?
red claw crab same as what i have but i only have 1 left i got told the same thing that they dont need land i got 8 of them and within a month they was all dead when i upgraded to my 4ft tank i got another 3 and 2 of them used to climb up the heater or the filter and get out the water this way and still 2 of them died i still got 1 left and ive had him for a good few months ive never seen him leave the water ( always at the bottom ) but if he does need to get out he can climb the filter and sit on the top. plants are ok i got loads he dont seem to go near them and the fish at the bottom are fine he lives in a cave with a few corys when his out and about he does chase the odd fish if they are near food but other then that its all ok. when my other ones used to get out the water they did look like they loved it would sit there for a few hrs cant work out why my last one still as never been out but he seems happy
sorry it looks darker, im no crab expert

lol that's me i didn't realise how far out the levels were on both pics sorry.
little red crab, or Chinese red crab, get to about 2 inch across, lively mischievous little sods but good fun. good climbers, and like to practise ballet on top of the thinnest thing they can find. if your tank ain't hermetically sealed, they will escape, even then i wouldn't bet against one. they eat the same as the rest of my tank, but clean the floor too. but the really are brackish! so at least they needs some salt water and a little dry area to sit. they are said to live 3 or more years, but 2 seems to be the best average.

red claw crab same as what i have but i only have 1 left i got told the same thing that they dont need land i got 8 of them and within a month they was all dead when i upgraded to my 4ft tank i got another 3 and 2 of them used to climb up the heater or the filter and get out the water this way and still 2 of them died i still got 1 left and ive had him for a good few months ive never seen him leave the water ( always at the bottom ) but if he does need to get out he can climb the filter and sit on the top. plants are ok i got loads he dont seem to go near them and the fish at the bottom are fine he lives in a cave with a few corys when his out and about he does chase the odd fish if they are near food but other then that its all ok. when my other ones used to get out the water they did look like they loved it would sit there for a few hrs cant work out why my last one still as never been out but he seems happy

mine is quite happy with the other bottom dwellers too, he has had a few bunch ups with the angels, but nether do the other any harm.

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