Trimar site


Apr 19, 2004
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Leicester, England
I am so sick and tired of my eyes bleeding after looking at the trimar site that I rang them today and offered to redesign it for them for free to use in my portfolio. the guy i spoke to first sounded quite keen but he put me on to monty (the culprit for the current website) who was very pissed off, and told me that I was already the second person that day offering to redesign it and he didnt have time for it :blink:

So I redesigned their first page anyway and emailed them a screenshot asking again if I could redesign it for them.

here is their current site: Trimar now

and heres the one ive done for them this afternoon: my version

If they let me do it anyone want to help me out???

save your eyes from the trimar torture??
I totally agree with you redesigning their site, the least I get from looking at that damn site is a headache! Your version is definitely much better :nod:
I thought they had re-done it?! :blink:

I agree that your site is better looking and easier on the eye but that isn't really what matters to me.

I don't know why Monty would have got pissed off at you saying that? Did you want to charge him? I would have thought it a nce guesture.
No I said I would do it for free, I think he was just upset that he had had 2 people calling him before 12:00 to basically tell him his website design sucked :p

anyway i'll see what they say to the email, i have to admit though that I would never order anything from the current trimar site at first glance because it looks so unprofessional I wouldnt trust them :crazy:

and thanks chrix and fishatron7429... i'll let u know what they say

oops, just noticed my cool spelling "contact us by slicking on the 'contact us' button"
Your version looks much better, but you could use a space between guaranteedalong in the "Equipment" paragraph. :)
I agree that the website isn't as important as the fish they keep in stock and the quality of the fish, but it goes a LOOONG way!!!!
I would rather buy from a site that looks like the one you redesigned than the current trimar website. I also think that the list of fish stock they have would be far easier to use if instead of being one long list, it had links to the types of fish (i.e Cichlids, Plecs, Barbs, Bettas, others, etc., etc.!!) and also had pictures of the fish either in a thumbnail, or a link to a small description of the fish with a picture. I tend not to know many (if any!!) of the latin names for fish, and find it a pain having to google the latin name to find out what fish it is!!!
Excellent work Appleblossom, Lets hope they take you up on your offer, and if ther is anything I can do to help with my limited web design experience, I'll be glad to!!

Just another thought, maybe worth emailing them a link to this thread, and the other threads about their website on this forum. I remember one from a couple of weeks ago with people complaining about it!!
Wow, you did an awesome job on that! It looks very professional! That original one looked as if somebody who was 3 designed it! Amazing job, appleblossem! :kana:
I think you received a predictable response from Monty - I don't use the shop anymore, I travel from approx 5 miles from Trimar shop to Plymouth which is a 2 hour round trip!!
The guy is generally offensive to all he meets!!!
Pity, as fish are good but customer relations stink :-(
ps thought the new front page was excellent.
Wow! Thats so much better! I haven't ever used Trimar, but looking at their old website I wouldn't have felt the inclination. The new one looks much more like a company/business website.
Hate to be painful, but they are both not fall over backwards, ur's is better by far, but still needs quite a bit of work, speacially cause ur grafix are bitmapping.............but hey keep trying, the only way to learn is to try
This Monty person obviously doesn't know a good offer when he's staring it in the face!

I used to be a website developer and believe me, it is extremely rare for a business to be offered site design for free.

His loss, not yours. I wouldn't waste any more time on it.

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