Trickle Filter - Really Stupid Question I Know


New Member
Jul 22, 2009
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I'm trying to set up my tank, which has what is described as a trickle filter - which sits in the hood.

I read about filters, and thought I understood it, but it is clear I don't ( I'm just a girlie :blush: ).

I have ceramic hoop type media (Bio max), and 4 filter trays. I have 2 coarse plastic filtery things and 2 finer, then 4 solid plastic things that look like lids to go on.
I think the ceramic hoops go in the bottom, the filtery type things on top and the lids things on top of that.....but am I right?? The instructions sadly just say that media goes in the compartments.
Which end do the coarse filtery things go in and which the finer??

I'm sorry to ask such a stupid question - but I was asking so many other questions at the aquatics centre today I forgot to ask that one (which is rather important isn't it!!) It doesn't say on the Biomax box - as I think the rings are actually designed for fluval external filters - it just says rinse before use!!

Help please?????????
You want the coarse to go on top followed by the fine and then your bio-media in the bottom.

Oh thanks - but I only have 2 coarse and 2 fine for 4 compartments - I was wondering if one type went at one end of the bar (eg nearest the pump) and the other type at the other end - or whether it mattered??
Put in 1 coarse, 1 coarse, 1 fine, 1 fine, bio-max. This takes out the 'bigger particles' followed by the 'finer' particle and the hoops take out the 'leftover'

Also, remember to fishless cycle your tank! :good:
Put in 1 coarse, 1 coarse, 1 fine, 1 fine, bio-max. This takes out the 'bigger particles' followed by the 'finer' particle and the hoops take out the 'leftover'

Also, remember to fishless cycle your tank! :good:

Hiya Tropic John,

Can I just clarify what you are telling me -

I put biomax on the bottom of all??
I start then with the 2 coarse then the 2 finer??
Which end do I put the coarse??

Sorry I know I am being stupid :blush:

I am hoping to start my fishless cycling local fish shop kindly told me that I could put fish in within 24 hours without any problem and told me I was the first customer who had ever queried this - so I am so glad I found this forum and read some books first - they them tried to sell me something I would need to put in the tank if I were to entertain a fishless cycle - I said I was going to get ammonia but they told me I would not be able to get it anywhere as the government had banned it lest people make bombs with it. I actually got a bottle of pure ammonia solution from the local builders merchant for £1 a bottle.
OH now returned home and shown me how he thinks it goes........remarkably similar to the way Tropic John has described - which now makes a bit of sense to me.

Thanks all :fun:
Don't worry about being just a girl IceyBlack. Have you ever run into LauraFrog or ShelaughFishFace? Both are superior fish keepers and both are "only a girl". I think you are getting the idea on your filter. The idea is very simple but you need to look at how the water flows. Your first filter is a coarse sponge to remove big stuff, then a fine sponge to remove smaller stuff, then finally biological media that is protected from fouling by the first two stages. Then a very important step, the water falls back into the tank well aerated by all of its exposure to the air.
Thanks :rolleyes:

Tank now up and running - I have the filter working, am up to temperature and have planted my plants in the silver sand substrate (I have left the lights on and put a capful of the plant food solution in)

I am now going to re read the cycling article again and get my bottle of ammonia and test kit out..... :D

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