Treatment For White Spot?(eash Oodinex)


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2008
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ello all

iv got the start of white spot i think, my yellow tang has a little and today my clownfish seems to have got some white spots
iv been out and got some (esha oodinex) is this any good?? its all the shop had

iknow this is a stupid Q but when theres white spot in the that it or can it be treated and got rid of? iv had to take out all carbon fillters and switched off my skimmer till the process is done...its a 3day course of drops for the water the thing is it dosent say with the drops when to start the skimmer again and put the carbon filters back in..

so im a bit confused any info would be good thanks

My neon tetra has started getting white spots too. Iv only had them a few days and dont want them to die. I have raised the temperature and now hoping they get better :rolleyes:
Have you got coral in the main tank? If so do not dose the main tank, as you will most likely kill the corals in any dose strong enough to kill the Whitespot :sad: You best course of action is to round up all the fish into a QT tank and treat them there, leaving the main tank fallow (without fish) for a few weeks before transfering across again once clear :good:

If you are running FOWLR or FO, both without mobile inverts, then dose the main tank. If you have mobile inverts, they will need removing to avoid upsetting/killing them :good:

If you have corals and QT isn't an option, set up a bucket with an airline, heater and some fresh salt RO in and then move the fish into it. After 24 hours, move them into a new bucket with all fresh water and sterilised equipment. Keep this up for a week before returning the fish to the main tank. Keep the bucket covered to prevent bids for freedom ;)

Unfortunately, I've just lost all the fish in my marine system to Whitespot, and know how much of a pain it is to treat. Good luck sorting it out :good:

All the best
ello again

the suff iv got says its ok to keep the coral and fish with all invertebrates in the tank and its reef safe

im worried now!!! iv done the 1st cousre and it seems fine i'll keep an eye on it

this has only happend since i put a yellow tang in the tank

cheers matt
Tangs are prone to this type of thing unfortunately :sad: While I don't agree with broad use of UV, most tang keepers do use one to avoid this issue.

I have never come across a truely "reef safe" medication that will work. If you are using it, watch the coral realy closely. Any signs of upset and get onto a 50% waterchange and get skimming again quick :nod: Fingers crossed it will work for you, but more action may be needed after the treatment if it does not caurse problems for the corals.

All the best
ello mate

i come off this web site last night and jus thought id google the name to see its reviews and it dosnt look good alot of people saying this stuff kills coral and fish......

thanks any way i'll keep cheaking it

It probably won't kill corals and fish. In fact, it probably won't kill whitespot either...

This is just my oppinion and experience, but I've never seen a reef-safe treatment for whitespot that actually killed the whitespot. The only two things I've ever seen effective against actual whitespot are hyposalinity or copper in a quarantine environment. The "reef safe" stuff is really just trying to chase unobtanium.

ello all

Iv used the treatment and so far so good its killed the dirty spot off so i'll keep an eye on it to make sure its gorn the fish and coral is all ok, im leaving the skimmer off for a few more days then do a water change. and hopefully thats it sortd

the tangs body cleaned up after the 1st day and the clownfish the 2nd i was told if this dident work to do a freashwater dip and keep the fish in a bag of RO water for 30secs to shock the fishs body...sounds a bit harsh tho...

cheers matt
FW dips can be VERY effective when other treatment isn't possible/working. Diden't work for me though :sad: Needs to be longer than 30sec though, try 3min :nod: It's best to have someone thats FW diped before with you the first time though, it's often hard to tell sever distress, get it back in the tank quick stuff form usual "WT# are you doing to me you evil person" that the fish will give you...
hi matt

esha oodinex) is always worked for me and it dosnt harm your corals i have used it loads of times as long as you dont over dose the green drips that come out the end as it is very easy to lose count after the 3 day corse leave the skimmer of for a week the turn it back on and put new corbon in the same day you put your skimmer on


Have you got coral in the main tank? If so do not dose the main tank, as you will most likely kill the corals in any dose strong enough to kill the Whitespot :sad
If you are running FOWLR or FO, both without mobile inverts, then dose the main tank. If you have mobile inverts, they will need removing to avoid upsetting/killing them :good:

hi the esha oodinex) wont kill inverts as long as you dont over dose and wont harm your corals and dose not harm your live rock or filter it is completly reef safe and btw if you have just lost a hole load of fish in your system put a poly filter in it should clear up anything that has went throug do you use any sprays near the aquarium and any plug in refresners if so thers your problem also deodrent will couse white spott

Agree, try minutes for the FW dip. Freshwater does not hurt marine fish in the short term. In the long term it causes renal failure, hypoosmolarity and death, but we're talking like days here, not minutes :)
hi the esha oodinex) wont kill inverts as long as you dont over dose and wont harm your corals and dose not harm your live rock or filter it is completly reef safe and btw if you have just lost a hole load of fish in your system put a poly filter in it should clear up anything that has went throug do you use any sprays near the aquarium and any plug in refresners if so thers your problem also deodrent will couse white spott


I'm always very sceptical of meds that don't list active ingrediants on their website. The most effective whitespot cures use copper, that kills corals and inverts, Formaldehyde, which kills corals and some inverts and often the LR too or Malachite Green that kills inverts. Things based on other ingrediants are a bit "hit and miss" with their effectiveness IME. We have tryed a few meds at work that claim to be reef safe. Sometimes they do work, but when you try them again on different livestock and a different system :no: Nope, no effect.... Copper is the most effective IME, but I have never seen a hyposalinity treatment's effects...

My tank is on the porch, well away from any sprays. My outbreak came for an un-quarrenteened fish that I added and it went down with the White Spot within a few days, looked to clear and then came back with avengance :sad:

Agree, try minutes for the FW dip. Freshwater does not hurt marine fish in the short term. In the long term it causes renal failure, hypoosmolarity and death, but we're talking like days here, not minutes :)

I'd argue that it can kill quicker than over a few days. Some muppet at work bought a clownfish insisting that he had a marine tank. He was back 2 hours later with the bag, re-tied, claiming it was dead when he got it home. We were suspicious as the bag was only 1/2 full and it was full when sent out, so we opened it and checked the salinity 1.001... He's actually put "nemo" in a 16l goldfish bowl with all fresh water, bar what salt was in the bag... :rolleyes: Looks like low salinity may well be capable of killing, at least a stressed fish, within an hour or two going on that. :sad: (Not me that served them thankfully)

All the best
Well, when you add temperature shock, pH shock, and transport stress, I'm not surprised it died, tough story :(
ello all

that stuff seems to have done the trick... put the copper back in and put skimmers back on, iv also turned up the temp a little done the water change and looks good so fingers xcrossed the dirty spot has gone..

thanks for your help


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