I have 2 bleeding heart tetras I've been treating for ich and they seem now to also have fin rot. They are in a 30g Tall with 5 black tetras, 4 guppies 2 mollies, a pink gourami, 1 platy, a tiny pleco and dwarf african frog.
The only test I have is for ammonia and that is 0. I've been keeping up on water changes, there is a penguin HOB filter as well as a UGF.
I'm using Rid Ich for the ich. And I removed all the charcoal before starting treatment. This is day 3.
Any help is appreciated.
The only test I have is for ammonia and that is 0. I've been keeping up on water changes, there is a penguin HOB filter as well as a UGF.
I'm using Rid Ich for the ich. And I removed all the charcoal before starting treatment. This is day 3.
Any help is appreciated.