Treatment for fin rot


Jul 10, 2003
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Texas, USA
I have 2 bleeding heart tetras I've been treating for ich and they seem now to also have fin rot. They are in a 30g Tall with 5 black tetras, 4 guppies 2 mollies, a pink gourami, 1 platy, a tiny pleco and dwarf african frog.
The only test I have is for ammonia and that is 0. I've been keeping up on water changes, there is a penguin HOB filter as well as a UGF.
I'm using Rid Ich for the ich. And I removed all the charcoal before starting treatment. This is day 3.
Any help is appreciated.

Try get nitrite n nitrate test kits as well, will b very helpful now n in the future! Perhaps the fishies r stressed out because of a nitrite spike if ur tank is new. Perhaps the fin rot is a secondary infection. But IMO u'll want to continue with the ich treatment first coz u've already started it.

N making water changes will help too. Just remember to add back the same amount of medication with the water u've changed on top of following the instruction on the ich treatment.
Follow my sig to see the disease, treatment. Also yes nitirte testers would be a nice help. Have you cycled your tank? If not follow my sig as well.
This tank has been up for a little over 6 months now.
I've looked at the other test kits, but am unsure on which to get as far as brands and their reliability. There is also one I've seen that tests for everything on one strip. What is your opinion on these yall? What kits would you recommend?

One of the BH tetras looks a lot better today. I think that the fin rot has even stopped on him and is looking better. The other one still looks terrible, but all of his tail fin is gone from the rot, however the Ich is looking better.
I'm just amazed the little guy is still with us!

Thanks for any help..........
It's good to hear they r better! Fish can recover amazingly fast! :D

I don't have any experience on using the "all in one strip" test strips. I bought the freshwater master test kit by aquarium pharmaceuticals. It has test for ammonia, mitrite, pH, gh n kh. N I bought a nitrate test kit as well. I like using it.
Just to update, the Ich is all gone, the Fin Rot has completely stopped and everyone is swimming around in their normal manner and eating. I'm planning to do one more partial water change and then start treating for a few days with Melafix. That should get the BH Tetras well on the road to recovery.

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