Treatment For External Parasites


New Member
Apr 16, 2009
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My fish are flashing a great deal recently, even the moutain minnows are doing it.
I dont believe it to be ich because the white spots never develope.
Is there a general medication for getting rid of external parasites?
The only forseeable problem is that i have cherry shrimp in the tank
Any help would be appreciated

60litres fully matured, biological power filter, PH 6.8 no trace elements, 2 male mollies, 5 mountain minnows, 6 cherry shrimp, fed mix of spirinella flakes tropical flake, dried tubfex worms frozen brineshrimp and sinking alege wafer (though of course not all at once), they have had ich before, lightly planted. Fish all healthy apart from the flashing, minnows are currently spawning.

What are your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate.

Any excess mucas on gills or body of the fish.
Any yellow golden spots, gold dusting, rusty coloured varnish on fish.
Is there a greyish film on the fish.
Is there a bluish film on the fish.
Do the gills look red and inflamed or pale with excess mucas.
Any red pin prick marks or red sores on the body of the fish.
Added anything new to the tank lately. Like plants, new fish, meds.
Any signs of laboured breathing or gasping at surface of tank.
Yes one of the white male mollie has developed a small area of rusty varnish around his gills, the touble is ic ant tell if the others have it because they are golden white clouds and the other mollie also has gold markings
I did add the second male about a week ago, and yes the itching has started since then.
THere is no anonia in the tank ( i dont allowlevels to rise because of the shrimp)

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