This poor little mite managed to get herself trapped 3 days ago. I added 1 tablespoon of salt per 10 liters of water and left her in the tank. Tank is new so it is effectively a quarantine tank but has zero ammonia or nitrites. I have been replacing 60% of the water daily and replacing the salt I removed for the last 3 days.
Day 1: I thought she was a goner and spent most of the day resting and "panting" in the roots.
Day 2: She rejoined the group for most of the time with occasional timeouts up in the roots. She ate normally
Day 3 (today): Behaving completely normally and is just one of the gang. Swimming remarkably well considering her condition
Day 1: I thought she was a goner and spent most of the day resting and "panting" in the roots.
Day 2: She rejoined the group for most of the time with occasional timeouts up in the roots. She ate normally
Day 3 (today): Behaving completely normally and is just one of the gang. Swimming remarkably well considering her condition
- Is this the correct treatment or should I do something different?
- What are her chances?
- How long should I continue with the salt?