Transferring Filter?

Yep, I will be monitoring the ammonia and nitrite levels. The filter that is in there now coped fine with their waste before so that and the new one should be fine in this tank. Will be waiting a few weeks before adding anything - just wanting to know what's best to add first. May try the Acara as apparently they're quite hardy.
I didn't answer that part because between those 4 types of fish I wouldn't know which to consider hardiest. Will be interested if any of the experienced ones answer.

Is it still classed as a fish-in cycle? Even though I have mature media running in there with the same fish?
I don't agree with the above, If you are using the same filter or media and the same amount of bio load (fish) then there should be no cycle at all.

Cheers, Karl

Is it still classed as a fish-in cycle? Even though I have mature media running in there with the same fish?
Sorry guys, its probably just me misunderstanding. I probably got confused with the multiple tanks and it sounding like a gourami was getting left behind somewhere because of being picked on.

You're right, if a mature filter moves over with the same fish load then you can fully expect the situation to remain cycled.

Anytime you make big moves between tanks however, I'd say its good practice to monitor your stats closely. For instance, suppose someone moves a mature filter to a larger new tank but they forgot to condition the water?(we've had several times here when members have admitted to "head-smackers" like that!)

I dechlorinated all the fresh water I added. I did a 50% water change to get rid of the ammonia I added before putting the fish in. All seems OK. Will check the water again today.
Ammonia - 0.6
Nitrite - 0.1
Nitrate - 10

I use the Nutrafin liquid test kit.

Are these stats OK?

Have added Seachem Flourish Excel to my water today to feed plants and I added API Stress Coat to the tank yesterday to help with the move, if that makes any difference.
I guess the ammonia and nitrite readings might be just a short blip from things being stirred up (although its completely new gravel and water, right?) But of course normally if the system is completely cycled then you should be seeing ammonia at 0.0 and nitrite at 0.0 (nitrate doesn't matter.)
Hey grumpygourami im planning on doing a similiar move to you - moving my 3 corys from my 60l fully cycled tank to my new 110l. Iv have been fishless cycling the 110l tank for nearly a month but its going really slow. Am thinking I might just transfer half the filter media to the new tank saturday(after i do a massive water change to get rid of the high ammonia), leave it running over night then add the other half and corys sunday. keep us updated on how you get on :good:
New sand, yes.

I will check it again tomorrow. If it hasn't settled I will do a 20% water change.

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