Training your puffer to puff

AS for puffer getting water stuck in them I havent ever heard of thet happening although they do occasionally get air stuck in them when out of the water. Puffers have had millions of years and developed a very sophisticated method of useing a valve in the bottom of there mouth like a plunger Haveing developed such an efficient and complicated method one would also think that they would have an effective method for dispelling this water seeing as how puffing does them no good if they do not recover from it and those puffers who are capable of recovery pass there gees on while those who are not dont.
how do u know if puffing stresses the fish out when the only time it puffs is when it is stressed anyway? Also how do you tell that he fish has water trapped in it?
I think you are all being mean to even contemplate using a puffer puffing up as a party trick! These are living creatures, they deserve a good life, after being snatched from their home! I keep puffers and I would never make them puff up! All my friends want to see them puff, but I would never, I repeat never make them puff up, this can seriously jangle up their insides if you do it too much! Shame on you, evil ones! :crazy: :angry: :devil: :grr:
Sorry opcn but I'm just going to have to say this

Puffers have had millions of years and developed a very sophisticated method of useing a valve in the bottom of there mouth like a plunger Haveing developed such an efficient and complicated method one would also think that they would have an effective method for dispelling this water seeing as how puffing does them no good if they do not recover from it and those puffers who are capable of recovery pass there gees on while those who are not dont.

Perhaps you were reffering to a "Run on" sentance. It is not however. If You read it you will notice two distinct sentances I mearly did not hit the "." key hard enought. You will however notice that I did use capitolisation correctly which is more than I can say for some other people who have posted recently. :p

It should read

Puffers have had millions of years and developed a very sophisticated method of useing a valve in the bottom of there mouth like a plunger. Haveing developed such an efficient and complicated method one would also think that they would have an effective method for dispelling this water seeing as how puffing does them no good if they do not recover from it and those puffers who are capable of recovery pass there gees on while those who are not dont.

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