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Yupp, i know inchworm likes corys just like me, at least SOMEONE understands why they are so great :p

My brother just gave the guppies to me because he has too many, they ARE quite cute...although..i sometimes think they are common fish and..i dont know i dont like them that much -_- But i'm doin it because i need some colors in my cory only tank..which isnt anymore btw ;)
I like cories. But I like them all! :wub: :wub: :wub: I just decided on a community tank. I think my first purchase was otos and my second cories. They turned out to be very shy, so I didnt get a chance to really care about them. I think now maybe they are Leucomumelas. :dunno:

Guppies are pretty. I've seen guppy tanks with lots of pretty babies busy about. I'm not sure they have the personality that my dwarf cockcatoo has. But at least there not tail fin nippers like most of my tetras, :grr:

At least one of my Leucomelas has come up more than once to the glass to check ME out recently. :lol:
emma12321 said:
Hi Jollysue,

The cory in the pic is a sterbai, i have 3. If you are still trying to id your corys take a look at this site I have found it useful in the past.

I would go with the two different groups as you already have sterbai and they look great swimming in their own little shoals.


Thanks Emma for the link I had wondered for so long what type of cory mine were, I scoured the internet for ours and gave up I just had assumed they were some type of mut or maybe peppered. but now I know they are Corydoras paleatus or marbled corydora, the picture matches perfectly.

Hey mattbeau!

Peppered Cory and Marbled Cory are common names for corydoras paleatus according to that site/index.

That site is indeed cool. Mouse click on the picture and there is a bit more info. :)
lol, there are so many types of corydoras. thankyou jollysue
so i was right to begin with I just posted in a different thread that i mis-identified them.
I have two juvie peppered and have seen that site and checked them out. That's why I knew that one. :D
the peppered are very cool and very hardy, have never gotten sick or injured and are very active, soul survivers after a fungus then ick plague wiped everyone else out. things have been stable now in the tank for over a month now. good luck with your peppered they are great :cool:

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