Tough desicion

Which option should i choose?

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jollysue said:
Okay I sometimes try to do this at my all night job. It is okay if I do, my computer, my server, use of time not a problem. But sometimes strange things happen. I just hit backspace and found myself back in the forum catfish topic page. My post is wherever socks go.

Which cory is in your signature??

Why are you up so late or early or what? I haven't taken time to check your time zone.

Did you want more Sterbai to enlarge your breeding gene pool? Otherwise you will have more, right? Maybe you could trade some of your cory's offspring for lfs's and increase your gene pool that way.

I will make a point of checking your pics in the morning. I'm on a regular dial-up line. It's too slow. As a matter of fact I have to watch it or I will get kicked off and lose whatever I am working on here. :hyper: :grr:

I am thinking that I should wait for the cories. That price is high. I could get the Long Fin Albino plecs and breed them. They are pricey (a little shy to say how much :*) ) but marketable. Then I could also get the otos--a good price--and the hatchets--an ok price. Then we can go into business. :p right back at ya!

Yeah I don't envy the move--or maybe I do. I want to sell my place and get something smaller. It's all too much to keep up any more. Only it's so much work. Sigh
:eek: :unsure:

Hahahaha, yea i tthink it was around 1am last night, i usually sleep at 3-4am..just cause i have no life and want to be at ttf all the time :)

As for the sterbai, it's just for fun i guess, it's really cute raising baby cories, they are too small for pics :X The selling, well, i cant raise all of them, and when i said 9 sterbai, i didnt include them. I planned to buy more adult ones, so that they will bred more, but i think 9 is enough then. If i were you, i would get the ottos FOR SURE :p

and sterbai cories are my fav species, therefore i try to convince everyone to get some..and get some more myself :D :lol:
Addicted? I'm not in recovery; that's for sure. I'll let you know if I find a good 12 step. "God grant me...."

I had to go grocery shopping and get gas. I'll have to get to the pics tonight. It's already an hour past my bed time. And it can get hard to stay awake in the wee hours.

The otos alone wouldn't be worth the shipping. I'm kinda looking at the orange BN, too.

BN $12.49 per, $11.49 per for 3
Orange BN 24.99 per, $18.99 per for 3, $17.99 per for 6
Albino Long Fin BN $29.99 per
Albino Gold BN $22.99 per, $21.99 per for 3

What do you guys think, emma and 007 ( :rofl: )?

I'm leaning toward the Orange. The Long Fin might be vulnerable with my mini pirhana serpae. Remember the only reason I'm doing this is the hatchets and the cost of shipping hs to be absorbed.

Ok the queen of "long and boring" is going to go down for the count.

Maybe---I wasn't able to get back to the forum until after 2 am Pacific Standard last night. One of our charges didn't come back from a home pass so I got stuck with the paper work and phone calls. Actually I don't mind, but it changed my plans somewhat.


I checked that link, Emma. I just got confused. There are several that resemble mine, but there are little differences and color shades get hsrd for me.
Hi Jollysue,

I'm no good with the conversion rate but her in the Uk i paid £7.50 for the regular bristle nose plec or they were 3 for £20 but i only wanted a pair. The albino usually go for £10-£15 at the same place. The nearest shop to me sells them for £10.99 for regular ones but all their fish are overpriced.

Yeah, Emma, I don't know either, but the Lb is worth much more, I do know.

I asked my lfs what they usually charge for BN and that clerk didn't know but that they don't stay in stock but would ship for me by special order w/o extra charge.

The thing is no one here has heard of the Marthae Silver Hatchet. The one lfs that I asked to check about shipping couldn't find them in their order book. They are the ones prompting me to order from this aquarist, who only has them occacionally.

It's like Kevin007, I think most of the corys, including Sterbai, are 3 for $9 here at my lfs (PetSmart is probably more.) But Kevin007 pays more in Toronto.

I have a new tough decision: I told one of our boys I would order him a fish when I ordered mine. He has a 30 usg with three salt waterfish in it. Two of them are going to outgrow his tank. He wants two fish that are VERY aggressive and require minumum 70 usg. They may be slow growers like Oscar but still I have a moral dilemma (too tired and time constrained to look up the spelling.)

Oh, gotta get ready for work and bed down the fishies.
Emma, a pound sterling will buy $1.75, a dollar will buy .57 GBP, approx. So your 7.50 Lb BN would cost me over $13. The Orange BN here at $19 would be 10.90 Lbs to you. (Sorry about murdering your Pound sign.) I think I might go for the Orange.

In addition the boy has convinced me that he has a 100 gal tank at home when the fish need it. He is a Mong (SE Asian) boy. He takes great pride in his fish skills, but he likes to think he knows it all. In truth he has the touch.

Kevin007, there is an exchange rate between our $. 1.00 USD buys 1.22 CAD/1.00 CAD buys .82 USD. So your 30.00 CAD would cost me 24.61 USD. Somehow I was pretty sure we weren't using the same $. :p

But :oh: you Brits! :devil: :thumbs:

Kevin, do you have French Canadians in T.O. Are they called Canucks (sp)? Or is that not PC. :dunno:
Hi Jolly sue

I just googled the hatchet fish you are after and found out that is what my mystery hatchet is. I originally got 3 as they were the only ones left, one died the next day the others i had for 3 years then one wedged itself between the hood and the brace bars. The survivor now lives with a group of marbled hatchets.


:-( poor little guys. I keep hearing that hatchets are delicate. My most delicate fish have been otos and green neons. It has been up and down getting a stable community of each of those. I hope this works.

:cool: It's nice when you find your fish out.
I would go with option 2.

However isnt 30+ corys alot for a 55gallon?
Sorry, i havnt been able to reply earlier.

Nitro: From my experience with cories, i beleive i have the skills to keep 30+ cories with absolutly no problems.

Jollysue: ...3 for $9 WOAH THAT IS LIKE A STEAL! IMO and i think it's kinda expensive, the BN =\ i've seen really beutiful long fin BNs and they costed less than that :D i guess some fish are cheap for me and some are expensive for me, evens out
Well three Orange BN plecs, 8 otos, 11 Marthae Silver hatchets, a Humus Picaso Triggerfish and Niger triggerfish are shipping tomorrow. Don't tell anyone, I called to ask, and I'm sorry to say that they are all wild caught. I may do a longer quarantine. I'm actually sorry. Even for practical reasons, IMO wildcaught are more shy and seems they might be more likely to come with disease. Any idea the best treatments in quarantine. I always do a mild ich treatment. Is there a broad preventative parasite treatment?

If your tank is well established and your community unstressed, I understand that the 1" per usg can be increased significantly. Do you have an overflow tank or a refugium? I suppose it would be best to add the new ones gradually from quarantine.

That's one reason I took the serpaes out. They were stressing themselves and everyone else out. I figured no way I could increase the population. I can already see the difference.
The tank only has guppies and cories, although i do not like guppies that much, they are my brother's and they are over populating, it's the only way, cories dont eat fry, neither do the guppies for some reason, so the tank will be for breeding and seeing what the result for the combination will be.

As for the cories, the way i clean the tank/ gravel + filter, i am sure there will be no problem, especially from my experience.

Jollysue: wow that's alot of fish, all beutiful ones, i'm just wonderin what tank size they are goin to be in?
Hopefully briefly (I'm way w/o sleep and dithering) I have three tanks that I will use now for quarantine, (The Trigger fish go to a boy at work--saltwater agressive carnivores, but pretty interesting looking.) The otos, BN, and hatchets will go into the quarantine tanks.I have a twenty with a Whisper filter, an Eclipse 12, and a 10 gal was dropped into my lap unexpectedly already cycled with a biowheel.

I will develop one or two of these smaller tanks into new community tanks. I plan to move the new fish into the big tank gradually and move others out as needed to develop some new communities. It's all a bit unplanned and spontaneous, trial and error.

I have planned all along to have fish at all levels of the tank and to increase the oto community. My new lights are growing algae like mad. (Another project is to get the lights on timers.) So now I have also set my sights on the pleco, so it all came together at the same time. Some BN variations cost more. But I really don't know much; they are not kept in stock here for long, so I haven't seen them.

The hatchets are under 2", of course the otos are small, and the plecos will be juvies. I think that 42 usg will be enough.

I am concerned that I may need to develop some plants or something in the smaller tanks. Especially the whisper filter. Of course I just learned from the forum that I should not have been EVER rinsing the foam Duh!!
Maybe it will work better if I stop doing that :S

So you don't plan on developing the latest model of guppies. They are pretty. I had a pair given to me for my birthday by a coworker last winter. The boy was dead when I got to work floating in the little betta tank. The little girl died a few days later. I was keeping feeder fish in bowls. No one told me, and the tank didn't materialize soon enough. The poor little girl layed on the bottom of the bowl gasping . :*)

When are you moving?

It's been an especially active week. :zz
Stupid question but why do you want 20 cories - they're nice and all but that sounds alot to me!

They are sensitive fish and unless you've got a big tank that's alot of scavenging fish in one place!
boxman said:
Stupid question but why do you want 20 cories - they're nice and all but that sounds alot to me!

They are sensitive fish and unless you've got a big tank that's alot of scavenging fish in one place!

I want 20 cory because i am not the average fish keeper, I was even planning to make a cory tank, the corys are the main fish in the tank, the guppies are not. I also want to breed other species of cories :p I know they are sensitive fish, the fry are even more if your compare them. I dont treat them as scavenging fish, if i did then i wouldn't like a species guess.

I will be getting more guppies, all of my guppies are leaning more to the color red, i'm going to buy some blue ones, some snakeskin (whole fish) and see what the outcome will be, like a...purple snakeskin guppy?? i dunno, it'll be fun, I can even sell some to my lfs

Jollysue: Good Luck and keep us updated :D and i'm moving around mid august :)
Have you seen Inchworm's list of cories? The lady likes cories! :nod:

How did you get your brother's guppies?

I will definately post when all the guys and gals are settled in. :wub:

I haven't been able to find the Orange BN online, by the way (except for my dealer.)

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