Top 3 Fish You'd Like To Own

A Silver Arowana and a tank that could hold at least 10.
I would have to go for

1. Puffer fish, they are so incredibly cool, but would eat the rest of my tank

2. An Atya Shimp, also incredibly cool for cleaning tank and very personalised i feel
*Edit I got one, check it out

3. Yellow veil Angel fish
3.1. Just about any discus

There are numerous more that i really like including the simple tiger barb, if only i didn't have guppies :/
1) Dwarf Puffer Fish
2) Pygmy Cory
3) Kuhli Loach

:X all the fish I'm into prefer a sand substrate, and I'm almost totally fishless cycled with aquarium gravel. If I'd known I'd fall for sand lovers, I'd have started off with sand to begin with. As is, I'm about 9 days into my fishless cycle and it's almost done, I think starting over again might possibly drive me crazy. :lol:
Mine would have to be:

1) A betta breeding programme!
2) Puffer fish- figure 8 and spotted are cool but i do also love mbu and saltwater ones e.g. porchupine (sorry about spelling)
3) Discus

Those are all slightly realistic although unrealistically id love to build a swimming pool and have it as a massive marine aquarium for sharks, sting rays etc!!! many choices.

#1 Discus (this is #1 'cuz I may actually be tackling them soon!!!)
#2 freshwater puffer
#3 big tank full of assorted large tetras and angels

#1 wrasse (any)
#2 tomato clown
#3 Emperor angel fish

ultimate dream is to live in florida or some place down south, have a large pond and fill it with tropical fish
id like to have
fahaka puffer
snakehead(illegal here)

i have a bunch more but i can easily get them.its just the space problem.
Another old thread - ahh, thank you similar topic section. Love it and hate it! lol.
Heres mine..
1 Blue Dempsey
2 Wild Black Betta
3 Sting Ray

A fish ive always wanted but never lasted for sum reason is the Orange Pike!!
1)Big WC male jaguar cichlid
2)Giant snakehead
3)Pike (esox lucius)

Shame I'll never have the tank to house the last two, but for the future the first is a real possibility :)
yes 1st is a possability

but hes home grown
Yes I cheat...They can be any species and be either fresh or salt (well excluding arowanas)

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