Top 10 Least Aggresive Chiclids


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
If anyone can list the least aggressive chiclids with a picture? Thanks! :hyper:


My tank
2silvertip sharks
2 pictus catfish
2bala sharks
5 giant danios

Eventually I will get a bigger tank for my pictus catfish and silvertip sharks.
Keyhole Cichlids 5"
Borellii Opal Apisto 2-3"
Sunburst Cockatoo Cichlid 2"
Smiling Acara 3"
Bolivian Ram 3"
Blue ram 3"
golden ram 3"
Dwarf Flag Cichlid 3.5"

Just to name a few. But with all cichlids if they are spawning they will become nippy to any tank mates that come too close to the family. But when not spawning these fish are community safe for the most part. Some times males can be a bit territorial. I don't have photos just google the names and you will see them
And here would be my list just for the hell of it :) (in no particular order)
1. Discus
2. Nannacara anomala (aka golden cichlid)
3. Laetcara's spp. (in general)
4. Dicrossus spp. (in general)
5. Apistogramma eunotus
6. Mikrogeophagus Ramerezi (aka blue ram, gold ram, german blue ram, dutch blue ram etc etc)
7. Angels (considering size)
8. Festivum (considering size)
9. Port Cichlid (considering size)
10. Uaru (considering size) LOL

Note, I find with cichlids there are always exceptions to the rule (eg a considerd peacful species has a violent individual and vica verca, afterall isnt that part of when we keep them, their tempraments/personalities)
these kinds of questions are always based on one of two things, others experience with said fish and general opiinon of said fish.

in my experience apistos are always a good choice,as well as rams and keyholes.
krib cichlids (Pelvicachromis pulcher)... i have a pair in a community tank with electric blue jacks,silver dollars, and tetras....they are only aggressive if at all during breeding...

My female krib...protecting her fry...

I dont have experience with I'll list the ones that I have had that didn't show too much aggression...
1. Curviceps (by far the least aggressive)
2. Bolivian Rams
3. Keyhole Cichlids
4. German Rams (little bit more difficult to keep)
1. Discus
2. Blue ram
3. Bolivian ram
4. Apisto sp.
5. Kribensis (not a New World Cichlid though)
6. Keyhole
7. Uaru (I have never actually kept these but hear they are peaceful)
8. Angelfish (altum, scalare and leopoldi)

I guess I would say Severum and Festivum for the last two, but again, I have never kept these fish in any of my tanks.
Keyholes are the most timid little buggers. without a doubt one of the most peaceful.
I have a pair of agassizis dwarf ciclids (apistogramma agassizis) in my community tank and they get on just fine with everything currently, my red tailed shark is much more of a terror!
hey konigwolf what is the fish in the bottom right of your signature
Thinking about medium cichlids would you add rainbow cichlid... I've been reading about these and they seem pretty non-aggressive from what I've read.
Thinking about medium cichlids would you add rainbow cichlid... I've been reading about these and they seem pretty non-aggressive from what I've read.

wait for stars reply lol

My softest cichlid was a threadfin. It never did anything toa anything else.
People have different experiences with different fish, cichlids have personality and each is different, I have heard threadfins to be aggressive but (ok so I now have Bullits threadfin) but that is fine, the rainbow I have is very aggressive. Severums, Rotkeils very passive, even when spawning, but thats mine, greens fairly calm too, red spots are meanies as can be golds. Keyholes like others have said, very shy and calm as are krobia xingu. Urau, mine are only babies and little horrors, blue acara, can be calm or aggressive, personally found the females are more aggressive than males. A. Metae, great fish, I have 4 very very peaceful (also known as yellow acara)

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