Took back the puffer


Fish Crazy
Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
western NC
ok i went to take back the puffer today sinse i dont think anyone lives around me and wants a puffer, and i cant kill the poor guy. so i take it back and the lady says to me " we can give you your money back, but we arent alowed to take back the fish, so you can keep it" hahahaha so i can just go buy fish and take it back get my money and still keep my fish ! needless to say i let them have it sinse it would be wrong of me to house it in a poor environment, even though it would live longer with me than in that tank.
just had to share with everyone !
hahah i doubt it, unless they are like the walmart specialists !

I am getting some ramshorm snails to go along with the apple snail i put in there, he needed to get away from the cory cats in the 10gallon, a pair of shrimp and a couple guppies will tie it all together for a couple weeks until i can get the guppies in my 10 gallon and sell the angels to a LFS. Im also getting a pair of BN pleco that im going to have to have to keep in the 10gallon until my african tank is done cycling and they will be aloud to roam in there ! im gonna have to keep a close watch on things, might have to just buy another tank, but i really dont want to.
*lol* how strange...
what type of puffer is it? and what are you planning to do with it now? you gonna keep it? I love puffers, I'd take it off you if you lived near but we're at opposite ends of the world unfortunately.
yea im not too sure about the ramshorms, ill try to catch the eggs, do you know if the go well with mbuna cichlids? will they eat the snails or will they be ok, cause id like to keep then with the cichlids and be ok, but if not cant i feed them as food when they hatch ! ?

and yea i gave the puffer back to the store, it was a spotted green puffer ! amazing colors
Not that cute little puffer or bless him.
yes it was the puffer, i took him back because i cant hold him in my 2.5gallon for too much longer, and he need a brackish water. i thought id let him go back and hopefully someone who can take care of him will get him.
i would have offered him here but i have no clue how to ship and nobody lives near me, and it was 5$ at walmart, i think someone would spend more than 5$ just getting here ! :lol:
Fresh chiclid...The ramshorns lay eggs under the water and the snails should be fine living with chiclids
i had ramshorns accidently from a plant...they laid eggs under leaves and places you wont notice..then you will have tomany...i got rid of them all but it wasent easy!

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