Too Strong A Filter

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The BE-Team Fighting For Betta Extermination
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
Gloucester, England
how do you stop the flow of your filters from being too strong.

my tank is 3g 12''x6''x6'' and has a fluval 1 in it only thing is the filter is way too strong for my betta's taste's... i tried putting a sponge in front of it but that stopped it all together nearly and having it over half the pipe still makes it the same power as normal.....

any help appreciated.

you can buy after market spray bars for the fluvals that you an angle up/down or towards the glass to lessen the flow
they are £4.99 from pets@home - should fit straight onto fluvals, you nneed an adapter for the + models though, that fluval no longer make.
one other tip, which is what i have done with my elite stingray in my betta/ADF tank is i plonked a fry net over it. its double its bonus as its also acting as filter material :) :lol: and the net doesnt impair all that much. suffice to say, i have 5 ADFs and 1 male betta splendin and the stats are:

Amm: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 60ppm (it gets its water change tomorrow.)

ph statys level at 7.1

GH and KH - cant remember last tested those two a month ago. lol. i remember it being soft and what some would call "too low" but for the habitants its doesnt matter.
cheers i haven't got any fry nets left got rid of them all after i stopped keeping livebearers and went on to other things. i'm going to pick up a spray bar sometime soon (next few days)

In my opinion you would be better off using, as I do for my killifish, a small air driven sponge filter in that size of tank.
Betta's do not like a lot of water movement.
got to admit, was going to be an air driven sponge filter for me too, but was ruled out by:

high bio-load, internal filter much better
is in a bedrrom, internal filter much quieter.
internal filter cost £1 less :) lol. though i spent that £1 on the fry net to slow down the water.
well i used to have a sponge filter in the tank can't say i liked the noise next to my head at night though so had to turn it off so there was not alot of point in it and the air pump was abit strong, you can get one's suited for different size tanks correct? well this one was ment for my large tank but i never used it.

i got the spray bar for the tank and it works well enough movement and virtually silent, cheers for your advice on that bit.

BigC i've always liked killifish and was interested in getting some more, i've kept a few before in the past. what's the minimum tank size for a killifish (the sort that needs the smallest tank). as i would like to get a tank for some but i'm interested in some cynolebias wolterstorffi in my 15g any thoughts?

mind if I hijack a bit?

Im looking at the Steel0Blue Aphyosemion (aphyosemion gardneri) but do you think i could mix this with the lemon cichlid, cos i want them too. im guessing the AHL's Haplochromis is too big for the killifish and likely to have some munchies courtesy of them.
nope go ahead i'm going to go abit of topic with my chat about killi's lol. i just can't be bothered to start another post on them.

lol. the question is, will the mods move it? its now a dual question..... maybe we will need to post elsewhere on it though...
Hi Guys,
BigC i've always liked killifish and was interested in getting some more, i've kept a few before in the past. what's the minimum tank size for a killifish (the sort that needs the smallest tank). as i would like to get a tank for some but i'm interested in some cynolebias wolterstorffi in my 15g any thoughts?

Firstly to jayjay's plight, cynolebias wolterstorffi is now known as Megalebias wolterstorffi it hails from Urguary and Brazil and is a large predatory pearlfish which attains a length of 90mm or nearly 4". I would afford them a tank of around 18"x10"x10" for a good conditioned pair. They are a bottom spawner and have an egg incubation period (diapause) of around 3 mths. (depending on temperature) P.S. The smallest and most handy tank/s I personally use for a trio is 12"x8"x8".

Im looking at the Steel0Blue Aphyosemion (aphyosemion gardneri) but do you think i could mix this with the lemon cichlid, cos i want them too. im guessing the AHL's Haplochromis is too big for the killifish and likely to have some munchies courtesy of them.

Steel Blue Aphyosemion or as they are now known Fundulopanchax gardneri. There are many colour forms/geographical locations. My personal preferences would be Misaje, Murkurdi and Jos Plateau.
I would tend to give them a species tank of the size mentioned above or slightly bigger for a pair/trio.
Sciaenochromis ahli would be too large and combining the two would only end in disaster.
As regards to the lemon cichlid (Neolamprologus leleupi) water conditions are well off the mark to combine these.

I hope this was of some help to you both.
i had thought so about the water conditoins.

I might just give them a shelf on the planned betta shelves for their own tank..
cheers bigC so my 15g is big enough by quite enough then? and i was looking into killi's for my other 3g tank but now that seems to small another betta it is then lol.


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