too much for a tank and divider


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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at petsmart they just starting selling two .5 gallon tanks., They come with a divider for $9.99. Is that too much for a tank that size, or is that a good deal because of the divider? My brothers thinking of getting one for his betta, and if thats a good deal, i minght just get one as well. That will also let me get another betta, as my brother hates bettas, but he loves his. I think thats kinda funny.
Wait . . .

Half of one gallon = 0.5 gal
If you divide that in half with a divider, each betta would have 0.25 or 1/4 of a gallon.

IMO seems a little tight! Maybe you could buy an Aquaview instead? They are about 1 gallon and cost $9.99.
Ohhh okay I see. You said two .5 :lol:

That's how much I paid for my 2.5. I think it's a good price. :thumbs:
okay, great, thanks. I do think that my brother wants to make a nano betta/tetra tank, but i told him that that wont be good for the tetras, lol.
$10 for a 5g tank with a divider sounds good.. could even keep 2 bettas in there and theyd be happy
no, its not a 5, is a 2.5 gallons.
I have 2 of those 2.5g from PetSmart also. Mine came with a glass cover and a clear stick-on handle that says Marineland, but the tank itself is made by All-Glass. I paid $9.99 each. Great deal! :nod:

Everytime I see someone looking at a $12.00 1g glass bowl, I lead them to the 2.5g tanks and show them how much happier their new betta will be in this tank for less money.

As for the divider, the rims in my tanks are pre-cut into thirds. I had to buy the dividers from a LFS (my Petsmart didn't carry them). It was 3.99 and you got 2 perfectly fitting pieces of glass. The dividers were also made by All-Glass.

If you wanted to divide the tank in half, you'd have to carefully cut your own slots in the plastic rim.
oh ok 2.5 gallons.. yea a betta would be happy in there by himself.. i mean you could divide it if you wanted.. its up to you !!

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