Too much ammonia??

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Test every day.
*If nitrite is still above 1 ppm 4 days after you last added ammonia, add just 1 ppm then test every days again till it is below 1 ppm
But if nitrite falls below 1 ppm before the 4th day, add 3 ppm and test next day. If both ammonia and nitrite are zero 24 hours later, the cycle has finished. If nitrite is not zero after 24 hours, repeat from * until you do reach a day where both are zero 24 hours after adding 3 ppm.

Add the Dr Tim's. It won't harm and it could well help.
Noticed what look like tiny, tiny white mites in the water. Tried to take a photo but they're too small. Running over the glass and well everywhere. Are these normal or have I now got a pest problem from somewhere??
I would just leave them for now. Once you (finally) get fish they'll probably eat them.
Lol finally being the operative word :lol:

They won’t harm the fish??

When I do finally get my two 0 readings I’m planning on doing a very hefty water change as nitrates are still so high. I’ll take the wood out and give it a proper scrub and the glass to get rid of any that I can
There was me thinking I wasn't ready for any "livestock" yet :rolleyes::rolleyes: just hoping that's the only one!! On a plus first time nitrite low enough and before 4th day so added the 3ppm ammonia :)
That sounds like the cycle is progressing :) The nitrite stage does take longer than the ammonia stage.

Don't worry about snails. I know some members suggest they should be totally eradicated but they are actually a part of the tank's ecosystem. They are only a problem when they threaten to take over. The way to prevent this is by not over feeding the fish. Left over food = too many snails.
Oh gosh couldn’t kill the snail. Just hope don’t get more lol

Feeling far more positive again with the cycle. Was feeling pretty low when it all went haywire! Nitrite has only gone up to 2 after putting in the ammonia last night so think it’s good it’s not really gone up. :)

Not sure if I should start a new thread... I’m looking at getting platys and male guppies. Which would be best to get first? Keep reading that platys are the more hardy? Would be sceptical putting both in straight after the cycle. Think best to build up first.
:yahoo:Bit excited tonight. Tested and ammonia and nitrite both at 0! Actually tested the nitrite twice in case I did it wrong lol. Nitrate has also dropped. Tested ph in case that had crashed but that’s showing as 8 (out of the tap it’s 7). obviously put in 3ml of ammonia now. Fingers crossed for testing tomorrow!!
I do understand the feeling, when I did a fishless cycle I thought it would never get to the end :)
Nearly there! Yesterday nitrite had a 1 reading and nitrate between 40/80 and this morning all three back to 0! Added 3ml more ammonia so will see what happens tomorrow.

If I get a 0 result on everything after 24 hours during the week, I wouldn’t be able to add any fish until a weekend. Do I keep topping up the ammonia with about 1ml of ammonia every other day?

If nitrates are at 0 still worth doing a large water change before adding the fish??
Just add 1 ppm ammonia every third day.

Do the big water change the day before you go fish shopping.
the day after adding 3ml of ammonia! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

How much of a water change should you do before adding fish??
As much as you can manage. This will reset your water back to tap water levels.
Fab. Can probably do 80 or 90% to be fair.

Thank you for your help through all this!

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