Too much ammonia??

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Will need to double check the names of the plants in the morning. I’ve got the name tag in the garage still!

First time using live plants.
Add the Dr Tim's now. And at the same time add the 1 ppm snack dose of ammonia. As 1 ppm ammonia is turned into 2.7 ppm nitrite, that isn't enough to push your nitrite level past stall point.

Once the cycle is finished, you will need to do a huge water change change to get nitrate down to the same as tap water. With fish in the tank, nitrate should be no more than 20, though some regions have almost 50 ppm in tap water which does make this a bit tricky. Can I suggest you test your tap water for nitrate so you know what level you'll be dealing with.
Thank you for your help. Will add the Dr Tim’s and ammonia now.

I was curious about my tap nitrate so had already tested it a couple of days ago. It actually reads 0! So will need to be a massive water change but will do your trick of mixing tap and tank water to see ;)
Only just tested the tank as not going to lie was worried what the results would be.

Ammonia is still at 0 and nitrite gone back up. Nitrates still high at 80

I know need to add some ammonia to get a reading but will make the nitrites go up more.

Given I've added that Dr Tim's stuff I'm now worried thrown the cost of that literally down the drain.

Should I take all water out and start again :(
Don't add any more ammonia yet. The bacteria will not starve. It used to be thought they died in a few hours without food but we now know this is not true. They can go days without food.

You've added the Dr Tims, and that is known to contain the right species of nitrite eaters. Hopefully, they will soon start to lower nitrite. Wait 2 days and if nitrite is still high, add 1 ppm ammonia. But if nitrite drops below 1 ppm, add 3 ppm ammonia.
"Hopefully, they will soon start to lower nitrite. Wait 2 days and if nitrite is still high, add 1 ppm ammonia. But if nitrite drops below 1 ppm, add 3 ppm ammonia."

Do you think nitrite might drop that low that quickly??

Can't remember fishkeeping being this stressful! Please say this is the worst bit lol
It depends on the Dr Tims. Provided it's been stored correctly since it left the factory it should be full of both ammonia and nitrite eating bacteria.
Wait 2 days and if nitrite is still high, add 1 ppm ammonia. But if nitrite drops below 1 ppm, add 3 ppm ammonia.

I know this is probably really sad, but I'm actually dreading going home later to test the water!

I know you said if the nitrite is still high only add 1ppm ammonia. Should I do a large water change first to get the nitrite down before adding more ammonia?

Also checked the plants and yes again given bad advice! Will be uprooting the java fern and anubias!
Test the water first. If nitrite is still off the top of the scale, do a water change if you wish, then add 1 ppm ammonia. If you don't want to do a water change, wait another couple of days.
Nitrite was still high so tested tank water and treated tap and done a water change to get it back down and added some ammonia. Will see what happens tonight when I get home! If ammonia is still 0 presume just add another 1ppm or should I go for at least 3ppm to try and get this back up again? Been at 0 for a good few days now. Clearly the Dr Tim's was not stored properly at the place I bought it from.

Also took out the java fern and anubias and tied them up to a rock and wood. soaking the wood in a bucket at the moment before putting that back in the tank so hopefully will have saved them.
Don't add ammonia too quickly or it just creates more ammonia. Each 1 ppm ammonia we add is turned into 2.7 ppm nitrite. Assuming ammonia drops to zero quickly, add 1 ppm ammonia every 4th day until nitrite falls below 1ppm.
Test the water first. If nitrite is still off the top of the scale, do a water change if you wish, then add 1 ppm ammonia. If you don't want to do a water change, wait another couple of days.
Been following all of this but have not commented because essjay is giving excellent advice. I would wait another day or 2 though before doing another water change. Give the One and Only a little more time.
I’m certainly appreciating the help and advice!! Been feeling very lost with all this and Essjay you’ve been a rock with your guidance.

Tonight’s test is ammonia still at 0, nitrite 4 and nitrate still at 80.

“”Assuming ammonia drops to zero quickly, add 1 ppm ammonia every 4th day until nitrite falls below 1ppm.””

Given I added some ammonia last night do I add more again tonight? Or going by the above I should add more Saturday/Sunday?? I know I’m probably panicking- Just really don’t want to mess up! Sorry if I’m being a nuisance

I actually have a little bit of the Dr Tim’s left which I’d kept in the fridge since I got it. Worth adding the rest??

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