Too Cute

me thinks Lotto is sticking around. He likes his creature comforts ;)
He certainly adores his Lorikeet formula, he wont touch dedicated lorikeet/ nector eaters formula, doesn't trust the dedicated lorikeet nector pellets and even is suspicious of most fruit. It  took him most of the day to even try the apple I gave him and even then he only licked it a few times. I seem to attract the excentric animals
Just took a read through this thread. Lotto is cute! :wub:

Have you let him go yet?
Because Lotto has not been handled, thus not really "tame" its now become an issue to actually remove him/her from the cage. If we try to forcibly remove him/ her then any other interaction with Lotto is going to be more stressed since it wont trust us the way it currently does and comes over to chat with us but not get pats. And if we leave the cage door open to let Lotto come out in its own time, wont work either since Lotto see's the cage as a wonderful haven with food laid on. Starving out (well not really starving just leaving the food on the outside of the cage and getting Lotto to go out to it instead of the food being handy in the cage) is an option, but last time I tried that technique Lotto stubbornly stayed put in the cage and pretended to not see the wide open door. And the door on that cage actually was almost the entire side of the cage.
So for now Lotto is staying put while I sort out final removal and next stage of temp housing in one of the bays in my aviary to allow Lotto to fly around a bit.
Oh and Lotto now has a friend lorikeet that sometimes visits, but I have not been encouraging the wild lorikeet to feed near Lottos cage since I don't need flocks of lorikeets hanging out on my back patio all day demanding food.

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