To Salt Or Not To Salt This Is The Question


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
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i was at my pet shop today get some more gouramis and a few neons.
Now the guy there said that i should use salt in my tank,
its a 55 gallon with 6 gouramis, 7 neons, 1 common pleco, 1 clown pleco
the guy said nothing about my plecos and im not sure weather they would
be in danger if i added salt, SO should i or should i not

and i also recently was given a red tailed shark is he going to be aggressive to the other fish.
He/she seems fine or does he/she need some of his own to pal around with?
He/she kinda of hides and comes at feeding time which is pretty much what he/her did for the
person who had him/her before me

but the fish was alone in the tank and the tank was about maybe 5 gallon tank.
so hes/hers got alot more room but is shy or something.

ok off for now i'll check back tomarrow to see if any one has the ansewer i need
thanks in advance. 8)
Them fish don't need salt so the lfs is fibbing.
Red tailed sharks need to be kept on there own don't tolerate there own species.
plenty of caves for him or she though.
Them fish don't need salt so the lfs is fibbing.
Red tailed sharks need to be kept on there own don't tolerate there own species.
plenty of caves for him or she though.

ok that cool i have plenty of caves
that dude got for $ 1.50 for salt dam him lol
Salt isn't mandatory, but I put salt in my tank to ward off parasites and diseases. 1 tsp per gallon. :)
Salt isn't mandatory, but I put salt in my tank to ward off parasites and diseases. 1 tsp per gallon. :)
ok i understand on the box it said something like tonic and stress reliever
thanks i think i got it
I'd be reluctant to use salt as a permanent addition to ward off disease as if/when you have an outbreak you won't get the same effet if you need to use it as a temporary measure. Levels above 1% can be harmful to some fish and to plants, so if you had it in all the time, you'd not be able to up it in an emergency.

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