To Get Or Not To Get


Fish Addict
Oct 26, 2004
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pet co has a sale
6 fancy male guppies for 5$$
i like guppies but then should I get a female?
i have had breed platys before
If you were going, I would just make sure you have all males. That is, unless you want 500 little fry swimming around your tank.

my fried started with 1 male and 3 females.
Now, his origanal females are STILL producing fry, so are their great great grand children :crazy:
All males will work, but it depends on a few key factors.
  1. More then 5 males.
  2. A big enough tank.
  3. No humoungously aggressive males.
  4. Lots of places for them all to hide.
  5. And enough food.
So, what size tank are you thinking? :)

Anyway, most males are okay with just males. You will occasionally get the one male that thinks all other males in the world should, and will die. You can usually easily pick these out when you first see the fish in the tank. So even if he has the best finnage ever, don't go for him. He will make the other males' lives miserable. Another thing is, make sure you get strong healthy males. If one has a huge extra ton of finnage to slow him down, he's going to get picked on.

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