To Euthanize Or Not...?

Hercules? I like Hero, too. Achilles was the son of the sea nymph Thetis and Peleus, king of the Myrmidons of Thessaly. He of course is the source of the term Achilles heel. But what a warrior!

I have a peppered Cory who survived culimnaris, fungal infection, and salt dips named Rocky Balboa
:) thanks for the great name suggestions! I really like Fluke, Kismet, Finn, and the hero names... hrm... I'm going to have to consult my Mom about all of these.

Here's a few more pictures that I took... in the last 2 you can see that his spine is pretty bent and his tail is folded. The 1st picture is kind of pointless, he just has a cute face. :wub: He is super active and happy though, I hope he stays this way.


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such a cutie!! I like the name finn goodluck with naming him!
His colors remind me of my old betta , Frosty, who ended up being called Frosty the snowball, because he developed a big belly tumor after I'd had him a year or so, which mysteriously faded away, but then came back before he died. He even had a mitten shaped mark on 1 pectoral.
The tail thing reminds me of one of my first baby guppies, who i called Hook, or Captain Hook, once he grew his long scarlet tail and dark silvery tuxedo body. he finally got so I couldn't tell he was crooked. i do put in special resting places for some of my crooked gups. girltwin has been defending her favorite caves for over a year, and AngelaBanana is about to join her. TwiggyRocket never got real big, but he had plenty of energy, he just started slowly sinking whenever he wasn't wiggling vigorously with his nose up. DarkerPony was cute, but didn't live as long and was quite small for a girl, but Twigget got plenty big, with just a slightly upswept tail.
Your guy sounds happy enough. At least he doesn't need to compete with other fish. Sometimes the challenged or unique ones are some of the most endearing. :wub:

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