bloozoo2 said:
It's a very simple and also quick procedure with very low risk of complications.
The dog wakes up a bit groggy, but with the pain meds he doesn't even feel a thing (pain wise) and by the time that wears off there is little to no pain pain at all left.
So is docking and cropping actually. The only complication (if you do what you are suposed to and have the blood tested beforehand to see if the dog will have problems) you have to worry about is the ears not standing later on..and that's not life threatening. But what about female altering...that is not a simple or quick know..having your Uterous removed.
We all have decisions made for us without our consent..we get over it.
Most all decisions regarding animals are made on their behalf by their owner, regardless of if they would have wanted it or not or if they wanted it to happen or not. This will never change, and it cannot change..not until they either decide to start talking to us or we invent a machine that can read their mind. I have a male and 2 female dogs...2 are over 8 years old (well the female was until she got intestinal and stomach cancer and had to be put down last year) and I've had numerous ones before..and none have had any "gender" related cancers. I've not known anyone who had a dog like that either..although I have known several who had other types cancer. The same goes for the complications that go along with not cropping and docking. Altering is just another prevenative measure created by man to ease his pain and suffering (i.e your dog dying earlier then it would have in the I don't see people going out ot alter wolves so they don't get gender related cancers). And of course they aren't going to ban Altering..people don't keep control of their animals enough for that...people are too lazy to take care of their animals...the government has to have some way of controlling the population of unwanted animals. Banning alterations would not serve them any purpose.
Why not cut off a cat's tails?
#1. They don't wag their they don't get warped on stationary they aren't subject to break.
#2. Cats actually need their tails...that is the center for their balance..kinda like a tight rope walker and that stick they use. Without it they woudl have little or no balance and would get caught by predators more easily.
#3. If a cat gets hit by a car..9 times out of 10 it's not the tail you are worried about. They usually don't survive that.
#4. Cats are not more likely to get stuck then a dog. Cats are masters at sqeezing thru tiny spaces and cracks. I have seen a cat sweeze underneath a closed door before..with only a 2" clearance underneath..don't ask how I still don't even know. Cats are 100% more careful then dogs..even when they are being me..they knwo what's going on around them...even as they their ears. Comparing cats to dogs is like comparing peaches to watermelons.