To clear something up


Put the trombone down, *****!
Jul 18, 2004
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In the kitchen sink...
Many people keep asking: SAPs are suitable for a community tank, right?

Well, no. All puffers are fin nippers, and this means they are unsuitable for a communtiy tank.

Many people who ask this question, come back and say "Well so-and-so have kept them in a communtiy tank with no problem, they are considered the safest of all puffers!"

Yes, they may have, as juveniles. They are indeed counted as the most docile puffer, but this does not mean they are "safe" by any stretch of imagination.

If you do not believe me, you can ask SirMinion, Erised, opcn, but most of all, ask jflowers he has personal experience in the matter, he tried, and it did not go well (in the below post, apparently Erised has too, so ask her with confidence too!).

So, if you wish to harm, injure, stress and even kill your fish, by all means, go ahead and put a puffer in your communtiy tank, but if you don't want those things to happen, don't.

Please note: No puffers are suitable for a community tank, all other puffer people on these forums will vouch for me. Don't always believe you lfs.

Thanks for reading,
Thanks for that hon! It really did need to be cleared up.

Only a lil while ago I was too stubborn myself to believe it as well and tried it. Ignoring everyones posts *sigh* ... I too have found out it just does not work :p
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Just because its working now doesn't mean it will forever, most puffers will go totally berserk once they reach a certain size. Also the Congo Spotted Puffer is reported to be the most fin friendly puffer, but they still like the taste of fins.
I agree. The most luck that I've had with keeping puffers was with 2 dwarfs, and even they killed several of my fish... none of the puffers are community fish, it's a fact. :)
AAalthough your right some comunity keeping dim-wit who does no research keeps 7 sap's in a 10g with comunity fish.
"OH, they died...I'll buy more tommorow."
A robust comunity is fine for them though but personality plays the main role.
The fish you have may be ok, they are very large compared to an SAP, but mine thought nothing of laying into 4" keyholes, and that was when they were a little over an inch.

Yes sometimes it works, but its not something I would encourage someone to experiment with.


Fish00 said:
large robust fish are fine.
Yes, if you want a tank where there is always the risk of fish taking chunks out of each other and any that are not aggressive living in constant fear of attack. Similar to some Cichlid tanks that are around.

By all means try it, and if it works for you, I'm happy. But it will not work far more times than it will, that is why the advice is always "keep them in a species tank".
andywg said:
Yes, if you want a tank where there is always the risk of fish taking chunks out of each other and any that are not aggressive living in constant fear of attack. Similar to some Cichlid tanks that are around.

By all means try it, and if it works for you, I'm happy. But it will not work far more times than it will, that is why the advice is always "keep them in a species tank".
yed thats exactly what I want & yes it will not work more times than it does.
I have done this 4 times now.
"Yeah but, the puffer lived in a tank in finding nemo!!!!" :) sounds like something someone would say, I myself am a Betta guy, but I almost -always- have to stop off and visit the puffers, especialy if they have baby spotted puffer, they're so cute :)

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