Just a reminder to you guys with all of your beautiful juvies, the show season starts up in just a few weeks and that's something fun you can do with your fish
The IBC has a Novice program for those of us who don't feel ready to jump in with the big dogs just yet, and it's a great way to get your feet wet. You can show in Novice for two years and you don't have to be an IBC member. It's an exciting experience, although it can get pricey shipping your fish back and forth.
When I showed hard last year I would send my fish in and then put all of them up for auction. This way I usually made my shipping money back and I didn't have to pay for their trip home. The hosting club sends your check along with your awards and stuff.
It's way cool and the Novice program needs more participants, so get your fish ready
Here's a link to read more about it..
Here's a list of this seasons scheduled shows..
*cough Texas Betta in May!*
And heres where you'll find the entry form..
It would be awesome if a couple/few of ya's from here would compete this year. I'd love to be your TFF cheering section! I'm sure everyone else would,too!
Remember that your fish does NOT have to be the perfect fish, there's no such thing as a 'perfect fish'
What he/she lacks in one area can easily be made up for in another. I know several of you have spawns that threw fish which could cover several color classes, so lets see them win some prizes, maybe even Best In Show If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'd like to see you guys excited about it
The IBC has a Novice program for those of us who don't feel ready to jump in with the big dogs just yet, and it's a great way to get your feet wet. You can show in Novice for two years and you don't have to be an IBC member. It's an exciting experience, although it can get pricey shipping your fish back and forth.
When I showed hard last year I would send my fish in and then put all of them up for auction. This way I usually made my shipping money back and I didn't have to pay for their trip home. The hosting club sends your check along with your awards and stuff.
It's way cool and the Novice program needs more participants, so get your fish ready
Here's a link to read more about it..
Here's a list of this seasons scheduled shows..
*cough Texas Betta in May!*
And heres where you'll find the entry form..
It would be awesome if a couple/few of ya's from here would compete this year. I'd love to be your TFF cheering section! I'm sure everyone else would,too!
Remember that your fish does NOT have to be the perfect fish, there's no such thing as a 'perfect fish'
What he/she lacks in one area can easily be made up for in another. I know several of you have spawns that threw fish which could cover several color classes, so lets see them win some prizes, maybe even Best In Show If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'd like to see you guys excited about it