tire track eel

spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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today my friend and i each got one young tire track eel, they were about $3 each and were being attacked by the other fish. Black Sharks,(look like red tail sharks) were sucking on them and bitting them. right now they are only about 9cm long, but i heard they can get up to 73 cm or larger. i wasnt sure if i could keep one in my tank. i would grow it out in a 30 gal tall, then put it in my 55 gal with a geophagus surnamis, sengalis bichir, and thats it. but also at the pet store there were 2 Flagtail Prochilodus for $15 each or $29 for 2. i heard that they need large comunity aquariums, but i dont really think a 55 gal is big enough. if it is, please let me know so maybe i could get them. so, the fish in the tank would be, 2 Flagtail Prochilodus, 1 tire track eel, 1 sengalus bichir, and 1 geophagus surnamis. the substrate would be sand.
Of those fish only the Senegal bichir and Geophagus are suitable for life in a 55g. The flag tails will grow to around 12-14 inches (30-36cm) and are constantly active schooling fish that require at least a 100g or more. Tyre track eels can grow to up to 40 inches (102cm) and again need at least a 100g tank.
ok CFC, i had a feeling that those fish would get too large for my tank. but today the tire track eel doesnt look to good. it looks like he cant control his own body, just his head and fin. it might be too late for him. i put him in a breeding container in the fish tank with some metaflex. since water doesnt really come in thru the holes well i just put 1/3 of a cap into the container. i hope he gets better.

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