Tiny Iwagumi - Updated With Pics


Fish Addict
Aug 15, 2010
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I got this 1.8 litre tank for fathers day and it had a male fighter in it. I thought it was a bit cruel so put him in my community nano tank and was wondering the other day what to do with it. After a short convo with Ian I thought I'd go with a tiny Iwagumi style.
I got some plastic mesh I had left over from my moss wall, cut it to double the size of the tank floor, folded it in half and filled it with Riccia.
I smashed up a piece of petrified wood and fiddled around with a 5 rock formation which once the Riccia grows in I'm hoping will look pretty good.
This all depends on a few factors tho, the tank is just sitting on the kitchen window sill with about 8 hours daylight on it.
It is so small I don't think I could get a filter for it, unless anyone makes a tiny external with 6mm tubing attachments.
I add TPN+ 1ml every 2 days after a water change to keep the algae away which is working so far.
Also I'm a bit worried about the temp of the water being so low but I've heard people grow Riccia in very low temps so I'm hoping it will work and its not like I could fit a heater in the tank lol.
I'm hoping if it all goes well and grows and I can get the temp up in a warmer part of the house I may add a few CRS's.
Hope you like it, I think it has potential. It was a pain in the a**, esp as if you need to move a stone and put one finger in the tank it overflows lol.

Some of these might put it in perspective lol, ignore the blue wire holding the mesh together, it was the best thing for the job and the Riccia should cover it soon.







Looks really nice!
Will look fab when the Riccia starts to grow through!
Nice job!
Nice little project Steve. The rocks look good. You need to check Gill's (the king of nano scapes) pico external filter. You're getting the planted bug ain't ya!!

I agree with Lu, even a desk top lamp would work. This could be to nice to leave near a window.
I've always had the planted bug lol, every tank I've had even the soft water and brackish set ups had some plants lol. Just not to my new extremes tho :) since being on this forum I've learned so much that I've just wanted to keep going and going. Plus after pretty much finishing the Jungle Clearing scape I need something to focus my jobless time on lol. :)

Oh sorry Skittle, my bad. :)
I can't believe it, the Riccia is pearling already and hasn't really grown through the mesh yet!
Right another update. After getting the hump with the Riccia not growing remotely quick I decided to use the mesh already fitted and cut up a Moss Ball to create a jigsaw of carpet. The stones were always falling over every time I moved the tank and putting your hand in to move them meant half the tank water got out lol. So I added some sand to the back, rear corners and the sides to create a bank, glued the Moss Ball pieces to the mesh and glued the stones to the mesh just to make sure lol. Also added some Dwarf Hairgrass runners from the plant in my main scaped tank to the sand bank and now its time to let it spread and build a tiny external filter.

Pics coming very soon.

Right the pics I said I'd upload are here lol.

Hope you like it, all comments welcome.







And for the purpose of perspective.

Its growing really well and in the natural light you can see in some of the pics that the moss is actually pearling too and the Hairgrass is giving out runners.
Looks great. The hair grass suits the height of the tank
If you dont want to build an external like the one I made, try and find one of the azoo mignon hob filters. Great Pico Filters.
Just had a look at one of those filters, do you have to hook it on the side of the tank or can it stay hidden away? Do you know if the intake and outlet are nice looking ones?

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