Time For A New Forum?


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
I'm seeing quite a lot of bichar posts in the oddball forum latley
and was thinking to myself maybe it is time to have a dedicated forum for them and other ancient fish.
anyone else think it is time or is it just me?

as always just a suggestion, do with it as you see fit :p
I second.

maybe even a freshwater eel-like section to be more exact.
I agree the oddball section is a little to Vague if there a few more specific forums it may be easier to keep the topics more spread out...
I can already see these sections arising out of the midst.


Eel structured

top dwellers (we really could use some of these)

and Then "Miscilanious/Oddball"
From a more practical point of view, when you create more specific sub-groups, the traffic in each declines. Experts who focus in on one section don't visit the others, and so don't share their information. For those that want "all bichirs, all of the time", there are bichir forums out there. Ditto puffers, arowanas, and the rest. But the good thing about this forum is that different people talk to each other, "cross pollinating" along the way.

To take an example: I was one of the people who advocated a Rare Livebearers sub-group, where people keeping halfbeaks, goodeids, and the rarer poecilids could talk without having to wade through dozens of posts about guppy fry. We now have the Rare Livebearer group, and while small and quiet, it's useful for those into this type of fish. But, one the downside, the Common Livebearers sub-group has felt the loss. With fewer experienced aquarists stopping by, the newbies who have found guppy fry end up talking to themselves (heaven forbid they should read a pinned topic!). I make a point to visit the Common Livebearers sub-group, and so do some of the other experienced livebearer keepers, but still, the loss of talent and experience is palpable.

So, while creating a sub-forum has been good for me personally, it's probably bad for majority of aquarists wanting to learn about livebearers.


Id have to aggree with neale...
I think all this "sub-foruming" isnt good, because it means that if you have one for ancient fish, why not one for gobies? Why not one for puffers? And it all gets out of hand, IMO.
Because the term "oddball" covers such a wide range of fish, the sub-forums would be near endless...
Also, other than bichir, ancient fish like lungfish arent often disscussed, so it would be abit of a "one man band"...
The ideas good, but many people would then want their own sub-forums, and then the knowlage would be more spread out, thus rendering it useless, as neale says.


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