Tiger Oscar, More Questions


New Member
Feb 14, 2009
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Tas, Australia
Ok, Generally I dislike oscars, cept one type, basic tigers (silver/black). So after years of saying I'd never have, today for the first time in 4 1/2 years of keeping fish I saw my first one availible to buy (every other one being albino/tiger albino/red/tiger red) so of course I was naughty an bought it right away :unsure: . I dont feel to naughty cause I've read more than my fair share on them, just nothing ultra specific, so main thing I was wondering is growth rate, right now he's like no more than 3-4cm TL and for he's own saftey he's in my general community tank till he's big enough to go in my big boy tank, so big question is growth rate? How fast can I expect him to reach say 8-10cm so I can put him in his future home.

it depends on the tank size it is in atm, but usually you can expect them to grow a good 2-3cm per month for the first 6-8 months before their growth starts to slow down, but continue to grow at about 1-2cm per month after that
Another Question, I know from reading oscars are good for PH 6-8 (so 7 is good average), but when I bought my oscar the guy at the pet store said keep[ing the PH at the higher end helps them retain their markings, is this right?

Usally the amazon river's ph is around 7.0 but obviously there's some higher point's and lower point's,,but as usually now oscar's come from tank bred source's which mean there tollerance of ph is much better and they usually adapt to anything, we have a hard water here were iam located with a ph of 8.0-8.5......Where as where iam moving to colombia there the ph is around 6.5-7.0 and soft water.....
Do not think it has much to do with there marking's....food usually has more to do with this.....If you want stricking colours try feeding a prawn based diet and a good quality pellet colour enharcer like hilraki <red packet> this will tend to bring out much more orange based coat, but i prefer natural looking colour myself
Thanks for the reply nelly, its just a plaint tiger oscar (no red thank goodness, LOL). And while I'm aware tiger oscars marking do change over their growth. Its just something I'd never heard for keeping their more prominent juvie markings and thought I'd ask.

if you see the oscar thread up to,,,go to first page you will see oscar and gandulf my two.....oscar had no orange until he hit 7inches then bam, and gandulf she alway's stayed dull which i prefer as it's more natural looking, but you never know as one with a lot of orange may suddenly lose it and vis versa

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