Tiger barbs


Jul 26, 2003
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New York
I have five tiger barbs and would like to add something else to the tank. I'd like to put something in that is active and colorful. It seems every time I see a fish I like they do not get along with tiger barb. SO what does get on with the tigers???
just dnt buy anything which whas long tasty fins cos barb are fin nippers!!!!! :thumbs: name some fish u want and peeps will say if its ok :)
I have recently started a new community in a 35 gallon tank. The first fish i wanted were Tigar barbs and i now have three for the minute. I have another tank (10 Gallon) which is slowly becoming a little over crowded. So I moved my Golden Gourami (big mother) into the tank with the tigers. Then I read a warning about putting tigers with big finned fish, oops. But to my delight they seem to get on ok. It seems at the minute that the tigers reputation for being fin nippers is a little over exaggerated (unless i have a docile lot?). Not sure if its because my Gourami is a lot bigger than them?

Another related question if anybody else has tigers. I wanted to get another tiger and 4 more green Tigers. If I do that will they act as a single shole of 8 or will they divide into two camps. As I have heard that you really need to keep them in a group but I didnt want 8 the same.

Tiger Barbs are the coolist fish ever. zip --- zip, i think mine are doing 0 - 60 times down the back of my tank. man are they fast movers. They ace I love'm.
I love my tiger barbs; they're very attractive and add a lot of movement to your tank. You're sitting quite well with five of them; the more you have together the more they settle down. This isn't just a tired old repeated myth - it's true. They definitely will do a lot of fin nipping if paired with someone with long, veiled fins. Your tank doesn't have a whole lot more room in it, by reading your signature, so I'd look at one large-ish specimen fish (like a gourami) or a small school of little fish. Danios do very well with tiger barbs, and the pearl danios I have in with mine are really pretty, understated fish. I seem to break all of the rules, so I have a small shoal of tigers in with a pair of large angelfish. The first week or so that the tigers were in the tank, they were harassing my large, veil tailed male fairly regularly. They were babies at the time, and I kept waiting for the angel to put them in their place. It took something like five days, but he finally got tired of their pestering and chased a couple into a corner. They stopped harassing him and all live rather peacefully together now. I wouldn't recommend others try this, though. :fun:

edit: I just read your post again. You want active and colourful. Danios aren't very colourful and gouramis aren't very active. Only fish I can think of that are active and colourful and can live with tigers would be a school of some sort of non-veiled tetras.
I am fairly sure that your Tiger barbs will not have the slightest clue that half or them are more green than reddy, they should know they are the same species, the only reason they may not shoal is that you have got them at different times and the first lot will have already established themselves and their terratories, a while together should allow the new pecking order to settle though
Barbs get along well with other barbs. Rosy barbs are cool. they get pretty big, very bright orange.

I have 4 tiger barbs in with 2 rosy barbs and a firemouth cichlid. everyone gets along perfectly. when i first got the firemouth, the tigers would chase him around and harrass him. after about half a week, something happened and he put them in their place. they never mess with him anymore.

- kip
I'm looking to put together a school of tiger barbs and a school of cardinals (assuming I have room :)). I love the way the barbs move and the way the cardinals school. Any objections to the two?
Ok, here is what I havein my 75 gallon.

12 tiger barbs
20+ danios(will have to go soon, tho)
1 syno eupterus(great FINNAGE)
1 pictus cat(long barbels)
1 red tailed shark
3 siamese algae eater.

As you can see, I keep fish with long barbels and great finnage. been runnig for over 3 months and no nipping.

slo, keep in mind i have a semi aggresive community(LOTS of movement, and great colors!)

As long as you keep tiger barb in 4 or more, they pretty much keep to themselves. But be warned that all veil tail fish will be nipped upon(like someone said above). I once added a betta, and all the barbs ganged up on him. Don't worry, he is fine now, in his own little 5 gallon.
I have
10 Tiger Barbs
10 Albino Tiger Barbs
10 Mossgreen Tiger Barbs
1 Albino Siamese Algae Eater
1 Siamese Algae Eater

The barbs look amazing when they school except the albino algae eater seems to think he is a barb and schools with them sometimes :lol:
If you have a tank big enough to have at least 7-8 Barbus tetrazonza then in most cases they will mess with each other as long as you don't have any other fish within the aquarium with long finnage.

Color means nothing to B. tetrazonza. They know if they are their own and they will almost always school with one another. Get enough of them and they will ignore others in the tank and your options will open up.
wow thank you all for your advice. It is nice to know that people have other things in with their tiger barbs. I think I'm going to try a pair of dwarf gourami and a pair of krib. I'll let you all know how it goes. Right now I do have 5 card. tetras in with the tiger barbs. They get along fine, no problems. I am moving the tetras into a 10g as soon as it finishes its fishless cycle. (which is going great - thanks for all the fishless cycle info smb!)
i have 5 tigers with 5 ACI's and 2 African Sicklids and the dolphin tries to beat them up but cant catch them and they kinda gang up on him they r awesome i love em

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