Tiger barbs

which is going great - thanks for all the fishless cycle info smb!)

You're welcome! I'm glad to help!!! :D I didn't see many talking about fishless cycling when I first got here although I know some did it themselves and already knew about it so I'm not trying to say I brought a new concept here. lol

It just makes me feel good to see within the last week how many people are going with the fishless cycle now that they have been aware of how it strangles the life out of fish to cycle with them. :)

I'm am really happy to know that the fish the people want will be happy and live a long life now that they don't have to cycle a tank anymore. :thumbs:

BTW, if you want a good fish for a tank of Tiger barbs get a red tail black shark. One of my fav fish ever! :thumbs: ;) That's what I'm doing with my 29g right now. Got the rtbs just have to get the B. tetrazonza and I'll be all set. I'd be a little leary of putting them with gouramis tho. Keep an eye on them. Both of those fish are aggro and B. tetrazonza loves finnage.
smb said:
which is going great - thanks for all the fishless cycle info smb!)

You're welcome! I'm glad to help!!! :D I didn't see many talking about fishless cycling when I first got here although I know some did it themselves and already knew about it so I'm not trying to say I brought a new concept here. lol

It just makes me feel good to see within the last week how many people are going with the fishless cycle now that they have been aware of how it strangles the life out of fish to cycle with them. :)

I'm am really happy to know that the fish the people want will be happy and live a long life now that they don't have to cycle a tank anymore. :thumbs:

BTW, if you want a good fish for a tank of Tiger barbs get a red tail black shark. One of my fav fish ever! :thumbs: ;) That's what I'm doing with my 29g right now. Got the rtbs just have to get the B. tetrazonza and I'll be all set. I'd be a little leary of putting them with gouramis tho. Keep an eye on them. Both of those fish are aggro and B. tetrazonza loves finnage.
Yes, RTBs are great with Tiger barbs. Both of them doesnt even care about each others pressence. They just ignore each other. My RTBS is in the best shape ever. I went back to my LFS and saw what my RTB used to look like, what a difference!
RTBS go good with tiger barbs - mine get along very well. Mine even joins them in swimming ventures :D
My RTBS is in the best shape ever. I went back to my LFS and saw what my RTB used to look like, what a difference!

Definately need pics!!! :D

I can't get enough of rtbs's! :blink:
Ok, I will try to get pics up soon. I need to net him out of the mian tank and put him in the small hex tank if I can catch him...hehehe(supposedly betta tank) cos I don't have a digital cam :(

Ill get a pic from my webcam tho :D
revengeishere said:
Ok, I will try to get pics up soon. I need to net him out of the mian tank and put him in the small hex tank if I can catch him...hehehe(supposedly betta tank) cos I don't have a digital cam :(

Ill get a pic from my webcam tho :D
With all due respect, thanks for trying to get the pics for us but if you have to move him to get pics, then I can do w/o them as I would rather he be happy than me to see pics. :)

No need to stress a fish out to satiate us. ;) :thumbs:

If I misread your post and you're going to move him anyways, bring the pics on!!! :thumbs:
Ok then. I won't stress him out. But still, I think it won't cos he is healthy(he is the fattest fish in my tank, although i havent seen him eat food I give the other fish. But he must have had enough.

Don't get me wrong. :)

I'm very interested in seeing him and look forward to it. I just don't want to have you move him to another tank to take the pic is all.

If you can show us a pic of him in the tank he's in now I know I'd love to see it and look forward to it! :)

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