Tiger Barbs

I have to warn you that it is my experience that tiger barbs are the most agressive and hardy of the little fish out there. I have a 125 gallon tank and they went after the angel fish like gangbusters. They even chased the weakest tiger barb until it died. Now keep my tiger barbs
in a 55 gallon tank with a 8 inch severum and two 4 inch parrot fish. The tigers behave well now since the other fish are more agressive and bigger. The tigers even nip my fingers when I do a water change. It's like they fear nothing! I wouldn't put them in any community tank.
just my exp. w/t barbs,they are a menace!!i have 12 in a 55g they don't mess w/the cichlids(A.sajica-C.compressiceps)but they sure are beating the crap out of my M.Roosvelti(silver dollars)which btw are 5"s thats 4"s bigger than the biggest tiger barb.
and imo 10g is good enuff for a species only tiger tank-8 to 10 max.

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