Tiger Barbs

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
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About a month ago I got 9 tiger barbs to liven up my 55g. See my sig for their tankmates. The last few days they've started after my longfin black skirt tetras, nipping at their fins.

I know about barbs, but the last group I had just kept to themselves and I never had a problem. These guys are not so sweet.

My options are:

Take my female guppies out of their 15g tall tank and put them in the 55g, then put the barbs in the 15g.

Put my male guppies from the 29g tall tank in the 55g, and put the barbs in the 29g with ghost shrimp and cory?

My husband has a 20g with about 14 albino cory and 8 or so tiny male endlers (not fancy tailed), and also a 55g with his JDs and firemouth cichlids.

Halp. Please.
they might go for the ghost shrimp, but i would try it and watch them for a bit, got to do a bit of trial and error, some barbs can be vicious little b's i brought six once green tiger barbs, very pretty and they died one at a time and one barb got very fat and big and was quite aggresive and he was the last one left in the end i gave him away he attacked anything, but esp slow swimming fish like guppies, bettas, gourami, they need other barbs, danios, i dont think the will bother cories or any catfish, as they are bottom dwellers.
with my experience with barbs they are nasty. they will chase and nip guppies. I had a bunch of them in my 40gallon and they killed a few of my gupps. i took them back to the shop needless to say.
That's a tricky one...

I wouldn't put the barbs in any tanks with cories; they're far too boisterious. Would it be easier to move the tetras intead?
I suppose I could put the tetras in the 29g, but that hardly seems fair to them.

This is so hard, because the last group of barbs I had I just adored. They were wonderful and didn't bother anybody else. This group is just a bunch of terrors. I may end up taking them back to the LFS. Sigh.
Yes, they can be a PITA. I havve, over the years, come to conclusion that tigers are best in species tanks, although mine live with zebra loach; it's the only combination I've ever found that works.
I agree. Also never keep barbs with angel fish. they are just too terror.
I'll never have angel fish, so that's not a problem, but the black skirts are the next best thing, and the barbs won't lay off.

So you think the barbs will nip the cory??
I'll never have angel fish, so that's not a problem, but the black skirts are the next best thing, and the barbs won't lay off.

So you think the barbs will nip the cory??

I got rid of the tigers in my big tank, nearly all my bronze corys ended up with no dorsal fins :) Growing back slowly now though. As much as i loved the tigers, they had to go back, much happier tank now. shame really, fantasic looking fish.
I tried my tigers in with cories; lasted about a week before I realised that the cories just weren't coming out any more, except at feeding times :(
I'd never suggest it.
I got rid of the tigers in my big tank, nearly all my bronze corys ended up with no dorsal fins :) Growing back slowly now though. As much as i loved the tigers, they had to go back, much happier tank now. shame really, fantasic looking fish.

I tried my tigers in with cories; lasted about a week before I realised that the cories just weren't coming out any more, except at feeding times :(
I'd never suggest it.

I guess I'll have to return them. Gad, a two-hour trip! But I'm getting really stressed out trying to figure out how to save my black skirt tetras. My other little tetras are hanging back now too, so I guess it's best. This is really upsetting, because I'd looked forward to having barbs again for so long!
I should be able to trade them for some trilis, I HOPE.

Thanks everyone. You've been a wonderful help!
i took my Tigers back and got jack in return, not even a discount on some harlequins :/ bit annoying, but job done.
I just found a new home for all my guppies and my pleco (yippee!!) so I'll be moving the tiger barbs to the 15g tank. They should be pretty happy there.

I would add to the JD & firemouth tank as would make great dither fish
I just found a new home for all my guppies and my pleco (yippee!!) so I'll be moving the tiger barbs to the 15g tank. They should be pretty happy there.


Tiger barbs really need something a little bigger than a 15g tank, i wouldnt keep them in anything less than 90 litres, while 15usg is only 60 litres i think? I suppose as long as its two foot in lenght you might get away with it though. just keep an eye on them, lots of plants and wood for hidey spots! gluck! :D

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